002. bound family

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Visibly tired, Scar persisted in jogging on the treadmill, his braces firmly in place. Inside Cub's laboratory, there was a designated gym space tailored specifically for Scar to workout in. It was typical for Scar to engage in workouts, he valued staying in shape, especially when fitness was important within his line of work.

Trickles of sweat glistened on his forehead as he fought through the weakness in his legs, focusing intently on his breaths. He had been at it for nearly two hours straight. Despite the support of his braces and injections, the relentless grind was taking its toll, leaving him feeling increasingly drained.

"Scar," Cub's voice filled the room, catching Scar off guard as he hadn't heard Cub enter. "Take a break. Let's go grab some lunch."

With a sigh, Scar switched off the treadmill and reached for his water bottle. After taking a gulp of water he searched for a towel on a nearby shelf to wipe off the sweat. "Sure, but can I go shower first? I'm kinda gross."

Cub gave him a half smile before nodding. "Of course. Just meet me upstairs when you're ready," he said before leaving the room.

Scar quickly freshened himself up and extracted his braces so he could transition into his wheelchair. Once situated, he made his way to the elevator to meet Cub upstairs. Upstairs was Cubs natural home while beneath his home, deep in the ground, existed Cubs laboratory. To keep it short Cub was a very wealthy man deeming his engineering skills.

"Ready?" Cub asked upon Scar's arrival. Scar simply nodded, following him out to the waiting car.

The car ride passed uneventfully, filled with small chatter and complaints about how the traffic had been terrible the last few days. Scar mostly kept to his phone, lost in articles and statements concerning the recent documents theft. The fact that he had allowed the vigilante to escape weighed heavily on his mind and the community comments didn't make it any better. It wasn't until they reached the chosen restaurant that anything of significance was discussed.

Seated at a table in the diner, Cub's started conversation with a direct question while Scar was still lost in his phone. "What's on your mind?" Cub asked, catching Scar off guard. He put his phone down almost immediately and tilted his head slightly.

Scar hesitated before responding, "What do you mean?"

"You've been... distant," Cub explained, his suspicion evident. "You're acting like something's bothering you."

"Ah, well," Scar replied, glancing around cautiously to ensure their privacy before continuing. "The vigilante, he's still out there. I'm concerned he'll be a problem down the line," he spoke in a hushed tone.

Cub nodded in understanding. "It's not your fault he got away. As I mentioned that night, I suspect he used watcher magic, which is nearly impossible to bypass, but I'm still looking into it."

"What am I supposed to do if I encounter him again? Just let him escape again? What if he has bigger plans?" Scar's frustration tinged his voice due to his overthinking.

"Scar," Cub interjected, his tone gentle yet firm. "Do remember you are stronger than most," Cub reassured Scar in a low voice but as a waitress approached their table, Cub was cut short from finishing his sentence.

"What would you guys like to drink?" the waitress asked kindly.

"Water, please," both Scar and Cub replied simultaneously, prompting the waitress to swiftly retreat.

Once the woman was gone, Cub shrugged. "I'm still digging into it, but accurate information on the undercity is hard to come by. I know the people have been talking, but they don't have the entire story either. You handled the situation the best you could, and that's what counts."

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