chapter 1

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In the tapestry of their shared past, Lan Zhan and Wei Ying were but threads intricately woven together by the hands of fate. Childhood companions, their bond transcended time and space, anchored in the innocence of youth and the purity of friendship. Yet, as the currents of time unfurled their relentless march, a transformation silently took root within Lan Zhan—a transformation born of love, but destined to morph into something far more consuming.

With each passing day, Lan Zhan's affection for Wei Ying blossomed into a fervent devotion, a flame that burned with an intensity unmatched. What began as a gentle admiration soon spiraled into an all-encompassing obsession, consuming his thoughts, his desires, his very being. Every fiber of his being yearned for Wei's presence, his heart ached with a longing unmatched, a yearning that knew no bounds.

But amidst the tempest of Lan Zhan's love, Wei Ying remained steadfast in his perception—a friend, a confidant, nothing more. Though he cherished their bond dearly, his heart remained untouched by the depths of passion that consumed Lan Zhan, his affections reserved solely for the serenity of nature and the simplicity of their friendship.

Thus, their tale unfolded, a poignant juxtaposition of unrequited love and unwavering friendship, where one soul danced in the flames of obsession, while the other remained rooted in the tranquil embrace of camaraderie.

Thus, their tale unfolded, a poignant juxtaposition of unrequited love and unwavering friendship, where one soul danced in the flames of obsession, while the other remained rooted in the tranquil embrace of camaraderie

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In the dimly lit confines of the gay bar, amidst the thrumming pulse of music and the hazy swirl of cigarette smoke, Lan Zhan's world shattered like fragile glass at the sight before him. There, in a scene illuminated by neon lights and shadowy corners, stood Wei Ying, his beloved friend, enveloped in the embrace of another—a sight that struck Lan Zhan to the core.

A surge of emotions, raw and unbridled, surged through Lan Zhan's veins, igniting a firestorm of anger and betrayal within him. How could Wei, his cherished companion, seek solace in the arms of another, while Lan Zhan's own affections remained unacknowledged, unrequited? The threads of patience that had once tethered Lan Zhan's heart to the hope of friendship now unraveled before his eyes, severed by the blade of betrayal.

With a heart heavy with sorrow and rage, Lan Zhan turned away, his footsteps heavy with the weight of disillusionment. The sanctuary of their friendship, once a bastion of solace and understanding, now lay in ruins, shattered by the revelation of Wei Ying's indifference. In that moment of bitter realization, Lan Zhan's resolve solidified—he would no longer be content to linger in the shadows of unreciprocated love. With a heavy heart and eyes clouded by tears of anguish, he left behind the echoes of the gay bar, his soul adrift in a sea of turmoil and shattered dreams.

In the wake of shattered illusions and wounded pride, Lan Zhan's resolve solidified into an unyielding determination—a determination born of love, fueled by the fires of possessive longing. No longer content to dwell in the shadows of unrequited affection, he vowed to seize control of his destiny, to stake his claim on the heart of Wei Ying with a fervor unmatched.

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