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Wei's voice was tinged with a mix of resignation and sorrow as he confronted Lan Zhan with his painful observation.

Wei: *his tone heavy with emotion* "Don't try to explain, Lan Zhan. I saw you with that woman."

Lan Zhan's heart sank at the finality in Wei's words, the weight of his beloved's accusation like a heavy stone crushing his spirit.

Lan Zhan: *voice filled with regret* "Wei, I swear, it's not what you think..."

But his words faltered as he struggled to find the right words to convey the truth, the tangled web of misunderstandings and secrets threatening to suffocate him.

In that moment, as the silence stretched between them like an impassable chasm, Lan Zhan realized the irreparable damage he had caused to their relationship. And though he longed to reach out and bridge the divide between them, he knew that some wounds ran too deep to be healed with mere words.

Lan Zhan's heart ached at the pain reflected in Wei's eyes, the weight of his beloved's shattered trust like a heavy burden on his shoulders.

Lan Zhan: *voice trembling with emotion* "Wei, please... let me explain..."

But before he could utter another word, Wei's resolve remained steadfast, his heart too wounded to entertain any explanations or excuses.

Wei: *voice choked with emotion* "How could you break my trust, Lan Zhan..."

Lan Zhan's chest tightened at the accusation, his own anguish mirrored in the depths of his eyes. Unable to bear the distance between them any longer, he leaned forward, his lips seeking solace in a tender kiss.

In that moment of shared intimacy, the world around them faded away, leaving only the raw emotion and unspoken truths that bound their hearts together. And though words may have failed them in that moment, the silent exchange spoke volumes of the love and longing that still burned brightly between them.

As Lan Zhan released Wei's lips, his eyes pleaded for understanding, his heart laid bare before his beloved.

Lan Zhan: *voice filled with sincerity* "Wei, she was just a professional jeweler maker. I wanted to propose to you again, to reaffirm my love and commitment. That's what you saw."

With trembling hands, Lan Zhan produced the ring, its delicate beauty shimmering in the soft light of their home. He held it out to Wei, a silent offering of his unwavering devotion.

Lan Zhan: *voice filled with earnestness* "Please, Wei, believe me. I would never betray your trust. You mean everything to me."

In that moment, as the truth of Lan Zhan's intentions unfolded before him, Wei felt a surge of emotion wash over him. The weight of doubt and suspicion that had burdened his heart began to lift, replaced by a glimmer of hope and the promise of a future filled with love and forgiveness.

As the truth and sincerity of Lan Zhan's words washed over him, Wei felt a wave of remorse flood his heart. With tears glistening in his eyes, he reached out to his beloved, his voice filled with heartfelt apology.

Wei: *voice quivering with emotion* "Lan Zhan, I'm sorry... I didn't trust you. Please forgive me."

Lan Zhan's eyes softened with understanding, his heart overflowing with love and forgiveness.

Lan Zhan: *gently taking Wei's hands in his* "It's okay, Wei. I understand. All that matters is that we're together now."

With a tender smile, Lan Zhan sank to one knee before Wei, his eyes shining with unwavering devotion.

Lan Zhan: *voice filled with sincerity* "Wei, will you marry me? I want to make things right this time. I want to marry you because you choose to, not because you have to."

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