chapter 21

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Lan Zhan's heart raced as he received the call from the hospital. His hands trembled slightly as he listened to the news about Wei's deteriorating condition. Without hesitation, he rushed to the hospital, his mind filled with worry and urgency.

Upon arriving at the hospital, Lan Zhan hurried to Wei's room, his steps quick and determined. When he entered the room, he saw Wei lying on the bed, his eyes searching desperately for Lan Zhan. The sight tugged at Lan Zhan's heart, filling him with a mix of emotions.

Wei's voice echoed through the room, calling out for Lan Zhan with a sense of urgency and longing. Lan Zhan approached Wei's bedside, his expression filled with concern and determination.

"Wei," Lan Zhan said softly, his voice tinged with emotion. "I'm here. You're going to be okay. I promise."

Despite his own fears and uncertainties, Lan Zhan remained steadfast by Wei's side, offering him comfort and reassurance in his time of need. Together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead, drawing strength from their bond and the unwavering love that bound them together.

Wei: "Don't leave me, Lan Zhan. I have nowhere else to go... No one wants someone like me."

Lan Zhan: "Wei, please... You're not just 'someone like you.' You're a person, and you deserve love and care. I'll stay by your side, Wei, I promise. We'll get through this together. You're not alone, I'm here for you. I know things have been difficult, but I'm here to support you, to help you heal. You're not defined by what's happened to you. You're strong, Wei. And I believe in you. We'll face this together, one step at a time. Please trust me, Wei. Trust that I'm here to help you, to love you, unconditionally."

Wei's heartbreaking words cut through Lan Zhan like a knife, leaving him stunned and overwhelmed with a mixture of guilt, remorse, and sorrow. The realization that Wei saw himself as nothing more than 'used stuff' was a devastating blow to Lan Zhan's conscience.

"I'm sorry, Wei," Lan Zhan whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. "I'm sorry for everything you've been through because of me. But please believe me when I say that you're not 'used stuff.' You're a person, a human being worthy of love and respect. And I'll do everything in my power to make things right, to help you heal, and to show you that you're not alone."

As tears welled up in his eyes, Lan Zhan made a silent vow to himself to never let Wei feel unloved or unwanted again. He would stand by his side, no matter what it took, until Wei could see his own worth and find peace within himself.
Lan Zhan rushed to Wei's side, his heart pounding with worry. He gently held Wei's hand, whispering words of comfort as he waited for the doctors to arrive and provide the necessary care for his beloved.

 He gently held Wei's hand, whispering words of comfort as he waited for the doctors to arrive and provide the necessary care for his beloved

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The doctor's diagnosis echoed through the room, casting a somber atmosphere over Lan Zhan. He listened intently as the doctor outlined Wei's condition, each word weighing heavily on his heart. Wei's physical injuries, resulting from their intimate activities, were troubling enough, but it was the revelation of his fragile mental state that struck Lan Zhan the hardest. The doctor's words painted a bleak picture of Wei's inner turmoil-panic attacks, hyperventilation, and the risk of self-harm-all symptoms of the profound psychological trauma Wei had endured. Lan Zhan felt a surge of guilt and regret, realizing the depth of Wei's suffering and the consequences of his own actions. Determined to support Wei through his recovery, Lan Zhan resolved to do whatever it took to heal both his body and his shattered spirit.

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