chapter 15

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As Wei's eyes fluttered open to greet the morning light, he was met with a searing pain that coursed through his entire body. With trembling hands, he pushed himself upright, his senses reeling as he took in the sight before him.

The once pristine white mattress was now stained a deep crimson, a stark testament to the violence that had taken place within the confines of the cage. Wei's heart clenched with horror as he realized that the blood that now marred the fabric was his own, a painful reminder of the agony he had endured at the hands of his captor.

With each movement, fresh waves of pain washed over him, his body aching and sore from the brutality of the night before. And as Wei struggled to gather his strength, his mind filled with a sense of despair so profound that it threatened to consume him whole, his spirit shattered by the brutality of his captivity and the knowledge that there was no escape from the nightmare that now engulfed him.

Wei: *voice trembling with pain and despair* "How could this have happened? How could someone I once trusted inflict such cruelty upon me? Is this the price I must pay for my freedom – to be shackled to this cage, to endure unspeakable torment at the hands of my captor?"

Wei's thoughts echoed in the empty confines of the cage, his voice barely above a whisper as he grappled with the horrors of his reality. With each agonizing moment that passed, his spirit grew heavier, weighed down by the darkness that threatened to engulf him.

As Lan Zhan's eyes fluttered open, he was met with the sight of Wei, already awake and standing before him. Without a word, Lan Zhan rose from the bed and approached Wei, wrapping his arms around him from behind.

Lan Zhan: *voice low and possessive* "Wei, you belong to me now, body and soul."

Wei stiffened at the touch, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and resignation. He knew that resistance was futile, that he was trapped in this gilded cage with no hope of escape. And as Lan Zhan's words washed over him like a chilling whisper, Wei felt the weight of his captivity press down upon him once more, his spirit crushed beneath the weight of his captor's dominance.

Wei: *heart pounding with fear* "Lan Zhan, please... I can't..."

Lan Zhan: *tightening his grip* "You have no choice, Wei. You are mine."

Wei: *voice trembling* "But I never wanted any of this... I never wanted to belong to anyone."

Lan Zhan: *pressing closer* "It doesn't matter what you want, Wei. You are mine, and you will obey me."

Wei: *struggling to break free* "Please, Lan Zhan... let me go..."

But Lan Zhan's hold only tightened, his dominance unyielding as he claimed Wei as his own. And as Wei's spirit faltered beneath the weight of his captivity, he could only pray for the strength to endure the darkness that lay ahead, his hope for freedom dwindling with each passing moment.

As Lan Zhan led Wei out of the cage, he guided him to stand before a full-length mirror, the harsh light casting a cruel spotlight on the horrors that adorned his body. Wei's eyes widened in horror as he took in the sight before him his once unblemished skin now marred by a tapestry of bruises, bite marks, and the cruel imprints of chains.

A gasp escaped Wei's lips as he traced the patterns of abuse that adorned his flesh, each mark a painful reminder of the cruelty he had endured at the hands of his captor. But what shocked him the most was the sight of the cloud motif the same symbol that adorned Lan Zhan's forehead now emblazoned upon his own body, marking him as belonging to his captor in ways he could never have imagined.

Tears welled in Wei's eyes as he realized the depths of his captivity, the extent to which he had been claimed by the man who now held him captive. And as he stood before the mirror, his reflection a haunting testament to the horrors he had endured, Wei could only pray for the strength to endure the darkness that lay ahead, his spirit battered but unbroken amidst the wreckage of his shattered dreams.

Lan Zhan: standing behind Wei, his voice cold and unyielding "Look at yourself, Wei. See what you have become."

Wei: gasping in horror "What... what have you done to me?"

Lan Zhan: his grip tightening on Wei's shoulder "I have marked you as mine, Wei. Every bruise, every bite, every chain - they all belong to me."

Wei: voice trembling with fear and disbelief "But... why? Why would you do this to me?"

Lan Zhan: stepping closer, his breath hot against Wei's ear "Because you belong to me, Wei. Body, soul, and spirit. And I will never let you forget it."

Wei do you think anyone want used object

Wei: voice filled with bitterness and resignation "I am not an object, Lan Zhan. I am a person. I have thoughts, feelings, and dreams of my own. I will not be reduced to a possession for you to use as you please."

Lan Zhan: his expression hardening "You are mine, Wei. And you will learn to accept your place by my side."

Wei: voice growing more defiant "I will never accept this. I will fight you with every ounce of strength I have until I am free from your grasp."

Lan Zhan: his gaze cold and unyielding "We will see about that, Wei. But remember, you cannot escape from me. I own you now, body and soul."

Suddenly lan zhan picked Wei up in his arms and started to walk towards the hot spring Wei got scared of what lan zhan wanted to de

Wei: voice trembling with fear "Lan Zhan, what are you doing? Please, let me go."

Lan Zhan: his grip firm and unyielding "We are going for a bath, Wei. You need to relax."

Wei: struggling against Lan Zhan's hold "I don't want to go with you. Please, just leave me alone."

Lan Zhan: his tone cold and authoritative "You will come with me, Wei. It's time for you to obey."

Wei: desperation in his voice "Please, Lan Zhan, don't do this. I'll do anything you ask, just please don't hurt me."

But Lan Zhan's only response was a steely glare as he carried Wei towards the hot spring, his dominance unyielding as he asserted his control over his captive.

Lan zhan first sit in the hot spring and made Wei lay on his chest Wei was relaxing as he felt something entering from behind it was lan zhan finger Wei pushed lan zhan away

Wei:hat are you doing you raped me was that not enough that you want to do in broad daylight
Lan zhan:"laughed" Wei do you want to get pregnant your hole is filled up to the brim with my cum I am just taking that out know stop resisting

Lan zhan pulled Wei near him and again started to finger him he curled his finger inside the hole to take out the sticky white cum
Wei was moaning "look like you are enjoying "
After Wei hole was cleaned lan zhan washed Wei and brought him back to the room

Once Wei was clean lan zhan brought him back to the punishment room and mde him sit in front of the mirror and started to dry Wei hair

Wei: voice trembling with apprehension "What are you doing, Lan Zhan?"

Lan Zhan: his expression unreadable "Taking care of you, Wei. You need to heal."

Wei: suspicion in his tone "Why now? After all you've done to me, why are you suddenly being kind?"

Lan Zhan: his touch gentle as he tends to Wei's wounds "Because you belong to me, Wei. And I will not let anything or anyone harm what is mine."

Wei: voice breaking with emotion "I don't belong to you, Lan Zhan. I never will."

Lan Zhan: his gaze unwavering "You will learn to accept it, Wei. In time, you will understand."

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