chapter 28

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As Jiang Cheng's hand reached out to touch Wei, a wave of revulsion washed over him, his skin crawling at the thought of the cruel man's touch. Wei recoiled instinctively, his body tensing with fear and disgust as Jiang Cheng's fingers brushed against his skin.

Jiang Cheng's touch was like fire against Wei's flesh, sending shivers of revulsion down his spine as he fought against the overwhelming urge to flee. Every fiber of his being screamed for escape, for release from the nightmare that threatened to consume him, but he knew that there was nowhere to run - nowhere to hide from the horrors that awaited him at Jiang Cheng's hands.

With a sinking heart, Wei braced himself for the onslaught to come, his mind racing with terror and despair. In that moment of unbearable vulnerability, all he could do was cling to the faint glimmer of hope that somehow, someway, he would find the strength to endure - that he would survive the darkness and emerge into the light once more.

Jiang Cheng: *reaching out to touch Wei* "Don't be shy now, Wei. You're going to enjoy this, I promise."

Wei: *voice trembling with fear* "Please, Jiang Cheng, don't do this. I beg you."

Jiang Cheng: *grasping Wei's arm tightly* "You don't get to beg, Wei. You brought this upon yourself."

Jiang Cheng: *forcing Wei to meet his gaze* "You think I care about your apologies? It's too late for that now."

Wei: *voice barely above a whisper* "Please... have mercy."

Jiang Cheng: *smirking cruelly* "Mercy? From me? You must be dreaming, Wei. This is just the beginning."

As Jiang Cheng's friend moved to touch Wei, a sudden punch landed squarely on his face, sending him stumbling back in shock. Wei's eyes widened in disbelief as he followed the direction of the blow, his heart leaping with a surge of hope as he saw Lan Zhan standing before him, his eyes ablaze with righteous fury.

Lan Zhan: *voice firm and commanding* "Leave him alone."

Wei's breath caught in his throat at the sound of Lan Zhan's voice, a surge of relief flooding through him like a tidal wave. He watched in awe as Lan Zhan stepped forward, his presence radiating strength and determination as he faced down Jiang Cheng and his friends.

Jiang Cheng: *scowling* "Well, well, well. Look who decided to show up. What are you going to do, Lan Zhan? Fight us all?"

Lan Zhan: *calmly* "If I have to."

Wei's heart swelled with gratitude as he watched Lan Zhan's unwavering resolve, his faith in their love renewed in the face of adversity. With Lan Zhan by his side, he knew that no matter what horrors awaited them, they would face them together - united in their defiance against the darkness that threatened to consume them.

As Lan Zhan stepped forward to shield Wei from further harm, he swiftly removed his coat and draped it over Wei's trembling form, his touch gentle yet protective. Wei's eyes brimmed with tears of gratitude as he huddled beneath the comforting warmth of Lan Zhan's coat, a silent vow of unwavering loyalty and devotion passing between them.

Lan Zhan: *voice soft yet resolute* "Wait for me, Wei. I will not leave your side."

Wei nodded, his heart swelling with a profound sense of relief and reassurance at Lan Zhan's words. With Lan Zhan by his side, he knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, they would face them together - bound by a love that transcended even the darkest of nightmares.

As Lan Zhan turned to confront Jiang Cheng and his friends, his gaze ablaze with determination, Wei clung to the fleeting sense of hope that had been ignited within him - a beacon of light in the midst of the storm, guiding them towards a future filled with promise and possibility.

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