chapter 27

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As Jiang Cheng's rough hands yanked Wei from the confines of the closet by his hair, Wei's cries of pain were drowned out by the sickening sound of his body crashing against the hard floor. A sharp jolt of agony shot through Wei's skull as his head collided with the sharp edge of a nearby table, the pain nearly blinding him as stars danced before his eyes.

Gasping for breath, Wei struggled to push himself away, his hands scrabbling against the unforgiving surface beneath him, but Jiang Cheng's grip on his leg was like a vice, dragging him back into the clutches of his tormentor.

Jiang Cheng's voice was filled with cruel amusement as he loomed over Wei, his face twisted into a grotesque sneer that sent a chill down Wei's spine. "How about you let me and my friends have some fun with you?" he taunted, his words dripping with malice and contempt.

Wei's heart pounded in his chest as he stared up at Jiang Cheng in horror, his mind reeling with terror at the implications of his words. With every fiber of his being, he fought against the overwhelming sense of helplessness that threatened to consume him, clinging to the slim hope that salvation would come that Lan Zhan would arrive in time to rescue him from the nightmare that threatened to engulf him.

Jiang Cheng: grinning maliciously "Well, boys, looks like we've got ourselves a little plaything."

Friend 1: chuckling darkly "Yeah, Jiang Cheng, this'll be fun."

Friend 2: snickering "Can't wait to see what he's got hiding under those clothes."

Jiang Cheng: nodding towards Wei "Strip him down, boys. Let's see what he's made of."

Friend 1: grabbing Wei's arm roughly "Come on, pretty boy. Time to show us what you've got."

Friend 2: leering "Yeah, don't be shy now. We're all friends here."

Wei: pleading "Please... please don't do this. Just let me go."

Jiang Cheng: smirking "Sorry, Wei, but you're not going anywhere. Not until we've had our fun."

Jiang Cheng: nodding towards Wei "Strip him down, boys. Let's see what he's made of."

Friend 1: grabbing Wei's arm roughly "Come on, pretty boy. Time to show us what you've got."

Friend 2: leering "Yeah, don't be shy now. We're all friends here."

Wei: pleading "Please... please don't do this. Just let me go."

Jiang Cheng: smirking "Sorry, Wei, but you're not going anywhere. Not until we've had our fun."

Friend 1: forcing Wei to the ground "Hold still, you little rat. This won't hurt... much."

Friend 2: laughing "Yeah, just relax and enjoy the ride, Wei. It's gonna be a wild one."

As Jiang Cheng tore open Wei's shirt, the fabric rending with a sickening sound, Wei's desperate pleas fell on deaf ears, his cries for mercy drowned out by the cruel laughter that echoed through the room. The sight of Wei's exposed skin sent a shiver down Jiang Cheng's spine, but it was the intricate cloud motif tattooed across Wei's chest that brought a look of shock to his face.

"So it's true," Jiang Cheng muttered, his voice laced with a mixture of disbelief and malice. "You and Lan Zhan... you had your fun, didn't you?"

Wei's heart hammered in his chest as he stared up at Jiang Cheng in terror, his body trembling uncontrollably beneath the weight of his tormentor's gaze. He knew that Jiang Cheng's discovery spelled only more suffering for him more pain, more humiliation, more degradation.

With a sneer of contempt, Jiang Cheng traced a finger along the lines of the cloud motif, his touch like fire against Wei's skin. "It doesn't matter," he spat, his voice dripping with venom. "You can adorn my lotus motif next."

Wei's breath caught in his throat as the full weight of Jiang Cheng's intentions washed over him, his mind reeling with horror at the thought of what was to come. He felt a cold sweat break out across his skin as he struggled against the bonds that held him captive, his every instinct screaming for escape, for salvation from the nightmare that threatened to consume him.

But as Jiang Cheng loomed over him, a predatory gleam in his eyes, Wei knew that there would be no escape no respite from the horrors that awaited him at the hands of his tormentor. All he could do was pray for deliverance for the one person who held the key to his salvation to arrive in time to rescue him from the depths of his despair.

As Jiang Cheng ruthlessly stripped Wei of his pants, leaving him vulnerable and exposed before the leering eyes of his friends, Wei's world shattered into a nightmare from which there seemed to be no escape. Humiliation burned hotly in his cheeks as he desperately tried to shield his nakedness, his hands trembling with shame and fear.

The cruel laughter of Jiang Cheng's companions echoed through the room, each mocking jeer like a dagger to Wei's already wounded soul. Their mocking gazes bore into him, stripping away what little dignity remained, leaving him feeling small and powerless in the face of their cruelty.

"Look at him squirm," one of Jiang Cheng's friends sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "He thinks he can hide, but there's nowhere for him to run."

Wei's chest heaved with the effort to control his ragged breaths, his heart pounding in his ears like a drumbeat of terror. Every fiber of his being screamed for escape, for release from the nightmare that held him captive, but he knew that there would be no salvation no reprieve from the torment that awaited him at the hands of his tormentors.

As the laughter of Jiang Cheng and his friends echoed around him, Wei felt the crushing weight of despair settle over him like a suffocating blanket, threatening to crush him beneath its relentless weight. In that moment of unbearable vulnerability, all he could do was pray for the arrival of the one person who held the power to rescue him from the depths of his despair the one person whose love and strength might be enough to shatter the darkness and bring him back into the light.

Jiang Cheng: "Well, boys, looks like our little bird has been stripped of its feathers."

Friend 1: "Yeah, Jiang Cheng, but it's not like he had much to hide anyway."

Friend 2: "I gotta say, though, that tattoo is something else. Looks like he's been marked by the gods themselves."

Jiang Cheng: "Marked or not, he's still just a weakling who needs to be put in his place."

Friend 1: "So, what's the plan, Jiang Cheng? Are we gonna have some fun with him now?"

Jiang Cheng: "Oh, we're definitely gonna have some fun. But let's make him squirm a little first. Get him good and scared."

Friend 2: "Sounds like a plan. And then we can really show him who's boss."

Jiang Cheng: "Exactly. Now, let's get to work. We've got a lot of fun to have with our little plaything here."

Jiang Cheng: "But remember, we need to make it last. No need to rush the enjoyment."

Friend 1: "Got it. We'll take our time with him, make sure he feels every bit of pain and humiliation."

Friend 2: "I can't wait to see the look on his face when he realizes there's no escape."

Jiang Cheng: "That's the spirit. Let's make him regret ever crossing us."

Friend 1: "What about Lan Zhan? What if he shows up?"

Jiang Cheng: "Let him come. He won't dare to interfere. Besides, by the time he gets here, it'll be too late to save his precious little Wei."

Friend 2: "Yeah, let's see how brave he is when he sees what we've done to his lover."

Jiang Cheng: "Exactly. Now, let's get started. The fun's just beginning."

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