chapter 22

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Wei's eyes flickered open, the remnants of sleep slowly dissipating as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. The adult Wei emerged from the depths of his consciousness, confusion clouding his mind as he struggled to remember where he was and how he had ended up there.

But as reality began to sink in, panic gripped Wei's chest like a vice, squeezing the air from his lungs and sending his heart racing. His breaths came in short, shallow gasps as he frantically scanned the unfamiliar room, searching for any semblance of familiarity or safety.

The memories of his captivity flooded back with brutal clarity, each moment of pain and suffering replaying in his mind like a cruel nightmare. Wei's body trembled uncontrollably as fear consumed him, his thoughts spiraling into a chaotic whirlwind of terror and despair.

He felt trapped, suffocated by the weight of his own fear and uncertainty. Every instinct screamed at him to run, to escape the confines of the room and flee from whatever unseen danger lurked beyond its walls.

But deep down, Wei knew that there was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. He was alone, adrift in a sea of darkness, with no one to hear his cries for help.

And as the panic threatened to consume him whole, Wei closed his eyes and whispered a desperate plea into the void, praying for a sliver of hope to cling to in the midst of his despair.

As Lan Zhan entered the room, concern etched deeply into his features, he moved quickly towards Wei, his instinct to comfort and reassure kicking in. But before he could reach out a hand, Wei recoiled, a look of raw fear flashing across his face.

"Don't come near me!" Wei's voice was a trembling whisper, barely audible above the pounding of his own heart. He pressed himself against the wall, his eyes wide with terror, as if trying to put as much distance as possible between himself and Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan froze, his heart breaking at the sight of Wei's distress. He took a tentative step forward, his hands held out in a gesture of peace, but Wei's reaction was immediate. He clutched his head in his hands, his fingers digging into his scalp as if trying to ward off an invisible threat.

"Don't hurt me," Wei pleaded, his voice trembling with a mixture of fear and desperation. "Please, don't hurt me. I won't run away, I promise."

Lan Zhan's heart shattered at the words, the pain in Wei's voice cutting him to the core. He stopped in his tracks, his own anguish mirrored in his eyes as he realized the depth of Wei's trauma. All he wanted was to erase the fear from Wei's eyes, to banish the shadows that haunted his every waking moment.

But in that moment, as Wei cowered before him, Lan Zhan felt utterly powerless, unable to offer the solace and protection that Wei so desperately needed. All he could do was stand there, a silent witness to Wei's pain, his heart heavy with the weight of his own inadequacy.

 All he could do was stand there, a silent witness to Wei's pain, his heart heavy with the weight of his own inadequacy

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Wei's labored breathing filled the room, each gasp sounding more desperate than the last. Lan Zhan approached cautiously, mindful not to startle Wei further. With gentle hands, he reached out, offering the only comfort he could in that moment.

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