At least the problem is little.

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It had been a day like any other for Vox— so shitty. He and Valentino had gotten into a fight about not shooting Velvettes assistants even though he could hardly care less, it was between them after all, then again he'd rather not hear the two go on all day so he had to make it a quick fix.

He was in his office watching his cameras, leaning back in his chair with his legs propped up on his desk, almost like he was watching a movie. Everything seemed normal In the pride ring if it even could be considered normal that is.. But he wouldn't question it much.

After a while of watching the cameras he noticed something— Alastor was nowhere to be seen which was odd, we wouldn't care if it was any other day but the radio demon had been missing for days now not just a *day*. Maybe Alastor finally left again after all! Just to be sure he did a double check of the cameras In the places Alastor was most commonly spotted and there was absolutely nothing, the radio demon was nowhere to be seen... maybe he died in extermination after all.

After having a small celebration with himself he mourned the loss of his enemy, just got a moment though- because now that Alastor was gone nothing was in the demon's way, he felt as if he could take over hell if he wanted! Then again there was Lucifer in the way so he'd be fine just taking over the entertainment industry.

After telling the news to Valentino who was still giving him the cold shoulder he just went along about his day, nothing could ruin It now! He was on top of the world just from figuring out that Alastor was finally gone, maybe even dead. He couldn't find himself caring enough to question it.

He was now constantly bragging on live television about Alastor missing (or being dead) and that he was now the head honcho of the entertainment industry, though there was something that he just couldn't shake from his mind, he wanted to be sure that the radio demon was dead or at least gone, he constantly found that thought making its way into his mind... he couldn't help it, Alastor was sneaky like that and could make people second guess things without even trying to so he had enough of a reason to go check.

He got ready in his best attire, hopefully, to find Alastor rotting somewhere. Soon a limo picked him up and drove him to the hotel That was still in ruins, Luckily the hotel crew was staying with Lucifer at the moment.

He was searching around for that stupid Radio Tower, that's the one place he knew that Alasgor would go if he was ever in a bad state, or at least he was assuming that he would have gone there because he went to his office whenever he was having a bad time. Eventually, he found the tower that was hanging on for dear life, he walked to the hatch and banged on it loudly before pushing it open and crawling inside.

The thing he noticed first was the smell of blood, sinner and angel blood that is. There were signs of somebody being in here at some point, or maybe even still in here? He didn't know.

He kept searching until he heard the sound of soft shaky breaths coming from somewhere in the room. upon further investigation he found the deer demon curled up under his desk, wide-eyed and shaking.

Vox couldn't help the grin that came to his face at the sight of Alastor being so pathetic, a small chuckle escaping him. "Alastor... it's been a while, yeah? How long have you been hiding up here?" he should have ended the deer right then and there, he seemed too out of it right now to care what happened to him anyway.

He was getting so much pleasure out of this but it started to worry him a bit— he was expecting Alastor to give some back talk to his words at some point even if it was delayed but nothing managed to get past the deer's lips, it was like he was in some kind of a trance. He waved his hand in front of Alastors face to try and get anything, he'd even take a blink.

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