Discovery. Pt 1/2

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The morning rolled around Vox being the first out of the two of them to wake up— He had hardly slept last night anyway... though that gave him time to text Valentino and Velvette about where he was and that he wasn't kidnapped, then again it's not like the two Vees would realize.

Vox moved to get up out of bed only to awaken the fawn who once slept beside them— though it seemed like Alastor had woken up out of headspace considering he had a disgusted look on his face as he stared down at himself. He felt like this was all some sort of disease... it didn't make sense, he shouldn't be acting like a child of two at his age. He soon got up, snapping his fingers and trying to get himself back into his normal outfit... nothing was working, everything seemed to be.. Gone?

He glared back at Vox, suspecting that the other had something to do with this. Only to be met with Vox having a shocked look on his face, holding his hands up in defence. "I didn't do anything!— Honest." he assured.

The only person left that Alastor could think of was Lucifer, he knew that the guy wanted to control him... then again he was just looking out for Charlie. "I'm going to the restroom to change. Please leave— go downstairs, I mean." Alastor said before walking off to the bathroom, running his hands down his face before he noticed something... it looked to be golden silk wrapped around his arm but it couldn't come off, it was almost like a tattoo of sorts.

Now he was sure that it was Lucifer. He got dressed, making sure to look confident and strong before going downstairs, immediately finding the shorter male in the parlour.

A snarl came to the deer's face, Alastor walking over to the king and pulling up his sleeve. "Care to explain this, Sire?" Alastor questioned with a glare.

Lucifer stared at him and then the silk, his eyes widening. he had forgotten to tell the other about that. "Yes.. That..." he started with a chuckle. "It was just to keep you safe when you were regressed— I didn't know what a tantrum would be like with you at full power..." he said, even though Alastors powers were already dampened when regressed.

"It would help if you told me first." he growled before turning away. He could just act like everything was normal. He went to the kitchen, grabbing some things to make breakfast with. He grabbed ingredients to make pancakes, flour, baking powder and so on.

Suddenly Vox appeared behind him, watching the little chef at work. "Mind if I help, or just watch?" he asked in a soft tone, knowing Alastor was in a bit of a mood at the moment.

"You may watch." The deer said, knowing that Vox wasn't the greatest at cooking, or baking... or anything for that matter. He continued to put everything in a bowl, stirring occasionally. Vox praised him along the way... he was being so much softer than usual, almost like he was speaking to a child— Oh.

That's when it clicked, Vox was trying to get him to regress and it was working... oh how he hated that man, he hated everybody right now.. Well, maybe not Rosie.

He could already feel himself dropping, this wasn't good... this wasn't good at all. His ears pinned back, looking over to Husker who seemed to stare at him with an almost caring look. That's when he remembered when Vox exposed him on television... Husker knew about him! Souls who feared him knew all about this...

"Al, hun? Are you okay?" Vox asked, rubbing one hand along the deer's arm only for it to get slapped away. He didn't want to regress and most likely have a fit in front of everybody in the hotel but Vox was making that very hard.

"Don't— I can't." he said through thick static, his body practically vibrating.

That's when Vox took matters into his own hands, scooping the little fawn up even though he banged his fists on the other's chest in a little tantrum. Vox then started to walk upstairs, not wanting others to see Alastor like this.

Husker and Angel watched this play out, Angel was quite shocked, to say the least. "What's got smiles throwing a hissy fit?" the spider demon questioned, gazing over to Husker as if he had an answer.

"Go check Vox's broadcast from a few days ago." he hummed out simply, pouring himself a drink before taking it all in one go.

They soon made it upstairs to Alastors nursery, the little deer being on the floor as he flung toys at Vox, being very upset as he now realized who all knew about this.

Vox tried to avoid being hit by the toys, not wanting to get a crack in his screen while away from home. Once Alastor ran out of Toys except for his deer plush that he loved too much to throw he went to sit by him, rubbing a hand up and down his back. "I'm sorry, Alastor. And you don't have to forgive me but what could I do to make this all better right now?"

Alastor's ears remained pinned back, the deer having a sour look on his face as he stayed turned away from the other... This was going to be a very, very long night.

I promised it would be longer but I realized I have an exam tomorrow soooo I will continue this once my Exams are finished! So sorry guys!

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