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Alastor hated everything about this—It was horrible and he didn't ever want to go through anything like this, nor would he wish this on any of his enemies. it truly seems like Vox and what he was doing this time, It seemed like he learned just how to piss Alastor off enough to get him on the edge of his breaking point.

He was still in that stupid little nursery, Christ he hated his little classification but luckily Vox didn't know about it just yet, Vox just thought this was all some joke but to Alastor, it was like pushing away his urges which was a very difficult thing to do for the fawn.

Luckily Vox had been giving him some alone time which was one thing he craved ever since being put under watch 24/7. He truly thought that Vox wouldn't be able to get this bad but he stood corrected— he could get this bad. He missed Rosie, the hotel crew... he even found himself missing that duck-obsessed king!

Alastor wasn't the type to show much emotion or let it seep through his reactions but the embarrassment and humiliation were definitely known by all. Vox had been getting a kick out it it, showing Alastor off any chance he could get, acting like he was some kind of silly trophy. This was why he pushed his classification far away, being a little meant being treated like less of a person and he hated that but Vox loved it. The two of them were truly opposites.

It was quite late in the day and Alastor had had enough, he barricaded the nursery door and got to thinking about how to escape— there were vents in the room that he could try to escape out of but it was risky— he could get stuck and he didn't want to rot in the tower. This was harder than he thought.

The fawn's anger soon got to be too much to the point it turned into a tantrum— or at least that's what he looked like to Alastor considering how silly he looked. The staticky growls soon got heard by Vox through the security cameras he set up in Alastors room, popping up in the room through a bolt of electricity. He walked closer to Alastor and grabbed his chin harshly, forcing him to look up. "You really thought that could keep me and everybody else out? Christ, you really are pathetic Alastor." he spat out.

Alastor had to admit that did hurt a bit but it was probably because he was on the edge of regression and his emotions were on a high. He wasn't going to allow Vox to get the best of him!— that's not how this was going to go!

He then suddenly bit the overlord's hand, causing Vox to pull it away from the deer. "Ow!— Alastor what the fuck!" he grumbled out, the small bite healing almost straight away. Vox went and picked the fawn up, holding him on his hip. "If you wanna be bad and throw fits you can get the treatment you deserve you little brat." he said, giving Alastor a small swat on his bottom before using robotic wires to move the barricades away from the door and walking out of the room.

Alastor was squirming the overlord hold, earning a small zap of electricity that stilled him immediately— he was just now realizing he fucked up, Vox didn't take misbehaviour lightly. He knew the overlord had issues with his temper— he felt so stupid, he wanted to go home.

They then entered a room that had nothing side of it aside from multiple wires and old tech cluttering the room, this must have been where Vox disposed of all of his former technology from the years before. He tossed Alastor on the ground without warning, forcing a surprised yelp out of the deer. "You can stay in here until you learn to not be such a brat," he said before pausing— robotic tentacles bringing him a small stuffed animal to hand to Alastor and a blanket to wrap around his shoulders before leaning down and popping a pacifier into his mouth.

Vox wasn't heartless, he knew that he couldn't just leave Alastor there alone for long but he wanted him to learn how to act so maybe it would be a good thing— surely he would be fine for a few hours or so... maybe a day if he gets busy. With that he slammed the door, the lights going dark and only blue dim lights came from the wires.

Alastor found himself feeling scared for what felt like the first time in almost ten years.

—meanwhile at the hotel—

Charlie was freaking out— she knew that not many people at the hotel liked Alastor but they needed to get him back, he still meant a lot to her! He helped get the hotel running and actually get her name out there to other sinners! He and Vaggie were there when she was at her lowest.

"Dad please— can you go and try to convince Vox to let him go? Who knows what's been going on there!" she pleaded. She had been begging her father for what felt like weeks to go get Alastor and save him from the tech overlord, her father was classified as a caregiver.. Surely he would feel some remorse for the radio demon.

"Char, if he wanted to come back he would. He still has powers." he said, just making an excuse that he didn't have to go help the deer demon.

"But dad!— what if he can't use them right now, you saw him on television! Please Dad, just this once." she tried once again, taking one of her father's hands and squeezing it with a desperate look in her eyes.

Lucifer stared at her for a few moments, seeming to be fighting with himself. Should he go get Alastor or not? Well... he wouldn't be doing it for Alastor, he'd be doing it for Charlie. Sure, it has been nice with Alastor gone but Charlie was becoming more worried by the day. "Fine, just for you hon," he said, squeezing her hand back.

She thanked him for what felt like hours before he finally decided to go, opening a portal before walking through it and being met with the Vees tower. He had to admit it was quite a large building— he didn't know how he was going to find Alastor in here but there was no harm in trying for his daughter he supposed...

He had been walking around for quite some time now, opening random doors and trying to find anything— he got a bit of hope when he found a nursery, it had some of Alastors things in it yet no Alastor, surely he must be close?

Other than the nursery there were no signs of Alastor, the fallen angel didn't think that he would ever find him... that was until he was walking down a hall and heard sobbing, he tried to convince himself that it could be anybody but he reminded himself he was there for his daughter. So, he opened up the door only to be met with the sobbing little— Alastor didn't even look like himself anymore. Lucifer's hand came to clasp over his mouth— how long had Alastor been in here for?..

"Oh you poor thing—" he said before pausing, Christ why did he have to be classified as a caregiver? He felt horrible for not coming to help the little fawn sooner, walking over to him and kneeling in front of him, wiping some tears away.
All was quiet until he heard a noise behind him, seeing the tech overlord right there...

"Hello there Your Majesty."

Word count: 1307

POOR AL!! I wanted to get your suggestions before I did this, would you guys like Alastor to stay with Vox (aka the more angsty route) or be saved by Lucifer (aka the more comforting route) ? Lmk! ^^

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