Say hello, deer.

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Vox saw how angry the deer was getting and he couldn't help the confidence boost it gave him— showing Alastor on television as a literal man-child meant that people may stop viewing him as an overlord entirely, Vox wouldn't have a competition to be compared to and that felt great! Well, it seems like he knew exactly what to do with Alastor.

"Oh, Al. You better get ready because I bet the public is going to be so surprised to see your pretty little face on television." he cooed out as if he was talking to a child, which only seemed to piss off the other overlord more.

He immediately called some of his assistants in to get Alastor ready for his little show, he would get him ready but he didn't exactly want to deal with a broken screen before presenting himself to all the sinners of hell.

"You can't do this Vox— I didn't even want your help so just let me go!" he growled out, he didn't run to Vox for help— he didn't need help from anybody and Vox was the last person he needed to from. Now here he was, being treated like a literal toddler.

He was dragged out of Vox's office though he kept up a fight, managing to kick one of the television overlord's assistants in the face with his hoof which was sure to leave a mark. Still, it didn't satisfy him as much as escaping them.

After a long while Alastor got brought back to Vox, his claws bloodied, showing that he had definitely tried to attack an assistant if not multiple. He was in more of a babyish outfit which Vox liked— it was a little red onesie that showed off his hooves accompanied with a little clip in his hair holding back the deer's bangs.

Vox couldn't help the cackle that escaped him at the sight of the overlord and he knew that most of hell would have the same reaction— he had to show Alastor to Valentino. However, after a few moments, he realized something, all of Alastors little friends would see him too and finally realize that he wasn't as big and powerful as they thought, he was going to absolutely ruin Him.

He was about to go and grab Alastor to show him to the public before he decided it wasn't the best idea because he could decide to attack him— he wasn't scared of him he just was being careful, at least he was trying to convince himself of that.

So, he brought come wires to wrap around the deer's wrist, holding him behind his back before he picked him up, carrying the struggling deer along with him. "Alastor you are just going to love this! I just know you will," he said with a dark chuckle.

He started his broadcast as normal, talking about a few things that had happened in hell over the weeks before finally getting onto the topic of Alastor.

"Well, as you all know Alastor has been missing for a while, such a shame right?" he said with a faux frown, gazing down at Alastor who was sitting down by his legs with a thick wire wrapped around his mouth.

"But, I have great news for all of you! I've found the little deer and given him a few upgrades... well, it's more of a downgrade I suppose," he said before bringing Alastor up to sit on his legs, the deer immediately glitching the camera as he tried to cover himself the best he could.

"Come on, say hello, deer," he said with a snicker, grabbing Alastors jaw and forcing Him to look directly at the camera.

Alastor was mortified, staring at all the bright lights and cameras, listening to the beeping of the live broadcast. He could only struggle and try to break free from the other overlord, he felt so small and pathetic— he shouldn't feel like this! He's the radio demon for Christ's sake, he shouldn't have sinners shaking when they see him, not the other way around!

His gaze snapped back to Vox once he heard the demon bark out a laugh once more. "I'm going to give you all such relief. Alastor won't be a problem in hell anymore, he can hardly even be considered an overlord anymore- just look at him," he said as television laughter filled the room.

Finally, Alastor bit down on the wire that was wrapped around his mouth, it gave him a bit of a shock though it slowly slinked away from him. He now had the freedom to say what he wanted. "Let go of me you fucking asshole!" he screamed out, his eyes turning to dials.

However, that power he felt moments ago was stripped away from him once the broadcast ended before he received a hard smack to the face.

"You think that you can speak like that and humiliate me on my own show?!" Vox growled out. Everybody knew that the overlord had anger issues though Vox avoided the idea of that entirely.

Alastor was about to respond before he felt his body get shocked by multiple wires, causing him to pass out— the last thing he saw was Vox and that horrible grin.

He woke up with a whine, his body was in so much pain. He felt a stinging feeling all over his body as he tried to move, after a few desperate attempts he realized he couldn't move at all. He felt like he was being restrained by something but he couldn't exactly figure out what.

After a little while he finally opened his eyes, looking around to see what was restraining him. It looked like he was in some kind of nursery, he saw leather straps around his wrist connected to the bars of the crib by a chain, Luckily his legs were still free. He was questioning screaming but he couldn't let Vox know he was awake, if he found out he was up that just meant more humiliation that he didn't want to deal with right now.

What was Vox getting out of treating him like a child, what was so good about this?

It took hours until Vox Finally came into the room, walking in and gazing down at Alastor with a smirk. "Hey, little deer," he said with a hum. He knew that Alastor was pissed about this but he couldn't get enough, he wanted to bring Alastor down to the level he deserved to be at and if that meant treating him Like a literal baby he would do so.

All Vox revived back was a growl— Alastor wanted to summon some of his tendrils to wrap around Vox and strike him through his heart but with his powers being dampened at the moment he couldn't exactly do that. He craved for his staff, why couldn't he have just used some of those angelic weapons against Adam instead of his own hellish ones?

Vox had reached down to undo the restraints on the deer's wrist pulling him up out of the bed once he was done. "Oh look at you, good nap?" he asked with a faux sweet tone, he just wanted to piss the deer off more.

"Whatever you're trying to do Vox just let it go— Im not into whatever this is!" he spat out in An annoyed tone, he knew that Vox wasn't going to give this up but there was no harm in trying.

"Awh, I wouldn't have to treat you like this if you didn't decide to misbehave on my fucking show now would I?" he asked as anger started to bubble up in him, he was going to humiliate the deer until he finally realized this was his new normal.

He set the former overlord onto the ground, tossing a few toys around Him before taking a seat in a rocking chair. "You know, everybody loved your little show last night. You're hot news right now, Al. Good job I guess." he hummed out as he watched the deer who refused to touch the toys that lay around him.

"Come on Alastor, you're not that brain dead that you can't play so why don't you go ahead and start? I got a little deer plush that looks just like you, see?" he said before pointing it out, knowing that Alastor didn't care about it at all.

Vox knew that soon enough he would be able to break the other down, it would just take time and he was willing to do just that.

"You are just going to love your new life, Al."

word count: 1467. (sorry it's a bit short today! I'm going to be posting a part three probably tommorow or the day afterwards!)

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