How it burns part 1/2

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By the time Alastor woke up he was still between the two others— having second thoughts about all of this. He felt so sick to his stomach as he felt their touch, no matter how light or innocent it was he couldn't bear it. it was so difficult to even think about anything. It was like his mind was clouded with all these what-ifs and why he was doing this.

he sat up, pulling away from their grasp though he didn't move off of the bed, he just sat there in silence for a few moments. What more could he do? He had already agreed to it and no matter how much he didn't want to admit it he was somewhat scared of Lucifer in his child-like mind... then again that was because he was the king of hell, he was scared of Vox for so many other reasons.

Speaking of the TV-headed overlord... He put a hand on Alastors shoulder, the fawn immediately tensing up under his touch. Lucifer could see that, getting Vox to move his hand off of the deer so they wouldn't have to deal with another tantrum. However, it seemed like it was too late.

Staticky growls emerged from the fawn, his ears pinned back once again. "I messed up— I don't want this. I'm the radio demon for Christ's sake and I will not be dumbed down to some... child!?" he shouted, gripping at his antlers with enough force to break them.

Even though Alastor kept that grin he was known for his shadow possessed a frown. "C'mon Al— it'll be fine, you'll feel better in no time!" Vox said, not knowing a thing about how Alastor felt at all. He felt so small, and not in a good way— if there was a way to feel good about being small that is, he wrapped his arms around himself, his touch was the only touch that didn't burn his skin.

"It's not fine, you're the one who made this all not fine! Nobody would have known about this if you didn't do what you did!" he growled out, rough static filtering over his voice as he did. He didn't want to be here, he wanted Rosie... she knew him, she knew how to be gentle and Listen to him. What could they do anyway? They wouldn't be able to stop him. At least, that's what he thought.

As soon as he was going to sink into his shadow Vox snatched him up, pulling him right back— earning a staticky screech from the fawn.

"Vox stop— that's enough." Lucifer said, removing the overlord's hands from Alastor. He knew that he wasn't big on touch and the static stated that enough. He would have preferred that Alastor told them where he was going but it seemed like he wasn't in the right headspace to do so, but maybe he could ask now.

"Alastor, where did you want to go? I won't be upset with you." he said, about to rub a hand along his arm before pausing, not wanting to risk upsetting him once again.

"Not that it's any of your business, but I wanted to go see Rosie. I am a grown adult, treat me like one." he muttered, not even bothering to look the two of them in the eyes, they didn't deserve it... they didn't deserve him or his attention.

"You are physically but sometimes not mentally, it's safer with you regressed Alastor. You have way too much power to the point where you wouldn't know what to so with it, so instead of taking that power away I want to help bring control over it. This isn't going to be a permanent thing, just for a little while okay?" he wouldn't give an exact time frame, it truly depended on whether or not Alastor gained control over himself.

"Maybe... we could bring Rosie over alright? I'm sure that I could give her a call." he suggested, he didn't want Alastor to hate the thought of being regressed and having to ask for things but it was the only way he would learn.

"Fine.. Do what you must." the deer finally said, folding his hands over his lap as he watched Lucifer leave to go contact Rosie.

Soon enough Rosie arrived, the two being in a room alone, Rosie held Alastor and shushed him. It wasn't common for Alastor to cry but he had so much trust in Rosie. She wiped tears away from Alastors cheeks— holding his head to her chest. Rosie didn't feel much anger for most people but she did for Vox— she had gotten word from Alastor that he was the one who did this.

"It's alright dear, there's nothing to worry about now that I'm here." she hummed, carding her fingers through the littles hair. She had a blanket wrapped around Alastors shoulders, making sure that he was comfortable though it was hard considering how distressed he was.

"They just don't know how to handle you, do they? They're such silly boys aren't they?" she said with a soft smile, getting a few nods from Alastor. She was pleased that Alastor was responding in some way— It was better than nothing.

She rubbed her thumb along Alastors cheek, getting a hum out of the fawn as he pressed his face into her hand. Rosie always knew how to calm him down when he was upset, she was the one person he could be himself around... she reminded him so much of his mother, nobody could ever replace her but Rosie was a good stand-in for when he desperately needed a mother figure.

She hummed soft lullabies to him, running one of her hands along his back as she thought for a few moments, perhaps she could help Alastor, Vox and Lucifer at the same time. "There, there. How about we go see Vox and Lucifer now, we could have a little chat with them.

She said before getting up, holding Alastors hand and bringing him along with her. He walked back to the room that she supposed was Alastors nursery and saw the two boys waiting there for them. She took a seat on a rocking chair, now holding Alastor on her lap as the two of them watched in awe— wondering how Rosie calmed him down so well.

"You two have so much to learn." she teased with a soft chuckle before pausing.

"And I think I can help you with that."

Word count:1092

Sorry, it's short today and sorry to leave you guys on a bit of a cliffhanger! But here is chapter five!

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