Chapter 3.07

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Exhausted from a long day, Yeonjun shuffled through the hallway of his home

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Exhausted from a long day, Yeonjun shuffled through the hallway of his home. The muffled sound of his footsteps was accompanied by the lively sounds of the TV in the living room. The door slammed shut and with a relieving sigh, he left the stress of the day behind him.

His shoes literally flew off his feet as he relaxed within his own four walls.

The living room area greeted him with dim lights and the soft hum of the TV, the screen flickering as Han Seungwoo, Yeonjun's best friend, appeared to be engrossed in a gripping Netflix series.

Seungwoo sat on the couch, one hand buried deep in a bag of chips, his legs drawn up as if he were part of the exciting action on the screen. Puzzled by his friend's unaccustomed calm and the fact that Yeonjun didn't enter with his usual reprimands today, Seungwoo watched him in silence. Between the crunching sounds of the chips and the muffled murmur of the TV, there was silence for a moment before Seungwoo finally posed the question, "Is today the day of harmony, or did you forget to reprimand me?"

His tangled, dark red hair stood out wildly in all directions, giving Han Seungwoo a slightly disheveled but eye-catching aesthetic. The pants and shirt he wore seemed to be deliberately much too small, as if it was a conscious decision to stand out from the crowd. The clothes clung tightly to his figure, and the eye-catching colors added to the impression that Seungwoo enjoyed drawing attention to himself.

Yeonjun, on the other hand, sighed in exhaustion and flopped down on the couch. He buried his face in the soft cushions as if he was trying to forget the stresses and strains of the day.

The scene in the living room looked like a collage of contrasts - Seungwoo in his eye-catching outfit, Yeonjun in a moment of exhaustion and relaxation.

Chewing loudly, Seungwoo turned his gaze back to the TV, as if the show was the only world that mattered. With a casual question, accompanied by a hint of sarcasm, he led the conversation onto Yeonjun's day: "Did you fall flat on your face? Must have been embarrassing as the 'Prince of the Rink'." Seungwoo gave this title a certain irony with a drawn-out sigh, spreading his arms out in a theatrical arc as if he were painting a rainbow over his own head.

"So to speak," Yeonjun replied quietly, his words carrying a hint of resignation. Seungwoo had only heard bits and pieces of Yeonjun's last days. The figure skater sat up on the couch, exhaustion reflected in his gaze. "I told you that I met Beomgyu. Well. He's probably out with Kibum right now..."

Yeonjun's voice sounded muffled, as if he was trying to hide his disappointment.

And Seungwoo, who had been engrossed in his series, now put it on pause and stared at his friend in shock. His oval face seemed to grow even longer as he looked intently at Yeonjun.

"Kim Kibum?!" Seungwoo exclaimed loudly, as if a sensation had just happened that the neighborhood should know about. Surprise and confusion mingled in his expression. "Why?" he wanted to know, as if he couldn't believe it.

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