The A.C.E Attorney - Prelude

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When I gave up the one thing this world had for me I lost everything, but I gained nothing back... and the World betrays me.

By casting me away.

By calling me devil's incarnate.

I gave up my mortality, I sacrificed all of my friends, I killed my last family for them, I discarded everything only to gain nothing.

Left with an empty ideal, now... Well, What else?

To them I am evil.

To them I am nothing more than a ravenous monster that would devour children in their sleep.

To them I am nothing more than a mistake that shouldn't exist.

To her I am a monster.

But was that enough to break me? No, I don't and won't ever be.

I was born as a tool, live as a lie, successes through falsery, my own powers derive from my own scorn and desires to spite all that wronged me.

Then, I shall spite the world!

I will be even greater than Ryomen Sukuna and Satoru Gojo combined.

I will achieve more than Suguru Geto could ever imagine he could be.

I will be beyond the concept of magic and hexes! No more miracles! No more faiths!

I will achieve salvation and peace, something all pitiful living being couldn't even do!

I will be more than everything will be-


What's that? Champion?

I'm blessed as a chosen Hero? No? Champion.. Hero.. Huh? Aren't they the same- A WHAT!? YOU WANTED ME TO WHA-

Oh for fuck sake.

Wait a second, why the fuck I'm talking to a fish with a trident-

Well whatever, least I got my priority now.

Change of plans, I think I know what I'm gonna dio.

Hearken me, O' you sweaty tryharding Summoners..

Once, I was the Strongest in Succession, Y/N Gojo.

Now, i am the bane of Light.

Remember me!

I am Ryōmen Ōma.

I am Ragnarök.

I am Y/N.

And I am... The Greatest, Handsome, Gallant, dashing-sorcerer-now-Savior-in-lawyer-suit!

Fear me in court of justice, deviants! I WILL HAVE ORDER!


Basically JJK x League of Legends, with.. Absurdity.

Ryomen? Omen Omen.

Oma, Ohma, Ohma Z-

Also, Sett's (My main) momma is hawt... Not gonna lie :)

 Not gonna lie :)

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