Tale of a Wayward Uchiha #2

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(Y/N's PoV)


I don't even know why i keep grunting.

But, ever since meeting that troublemaker yesterday, it got me thinking about how that guy called that man Iruka with a title Master, And by that man's attire and textbook. That means he is a teacher of the Ninja Academy... Then t-that troublemaker is... a..ninja.. in.. training..

While i'm here... just a civillian.

It... irked me.

What? I-im jealous? No... No no no no NO!

I'm not jealous. I'm never jealous, that kind of feeling will only hinder and kill me.

I'm not jealous at all, the fact that the clan heir is a student and soon to be a ninja as well does not make me jealous at all. NOPE! i'm not jealous.

Yes, i'm not jealous.




Why does it feel like i'm convincing myself...

Bah! i will just have to train then it's simple.

Maybe after that, this jea-i mean feeling will go away. And i will be normal again.

What could go wrong?





"This is a bad idea, this is a really bad idea..." i don't even know where to start.


After i decide to train, I tried to search and find a training ground but everytime i want to enter i was refused and blocked because it's for ninja only, and civillians are forbidden to enter it.

Their response:

"Sorry kid, civillians are not allowed to enter here it's strictly for ninja only."

"What'r ya doin here civy brat? you're not llowed here, get lost!"

"I kindly ask you to leave please, this is not safe for civillians."

The nerve!

So i got a brilliant idea to find a clearings or field, preferably abandoned so i will not be disturbed by annoying people

Yes, i'm not going to ask people to teach me. I have too much pride to lower myself for that

Now back to finding that clearings

Not like it will be hard, after all this village is very big not like i will get lost anyway.




I'm regretting this already

Why can't things ever be so simple

Heavenly Gods above is this karma..

You must be asking why


I'm lost in a forest

Worse, this is the Forest of Death

How do i know that?

I don't know

How do i got here?

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