What is Justice? (Ultraman Cosmos x DxD)

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Fuck it, let's do this. Idgaf anymore, BECOME GEGE

Warning: Gender bender


In a different galaxy... There exist a wide known myth about a being who predates the beginning of creation and chaos.

Uncorrupt and just, neither good nor bad, powerful yet lacked arrogance, he is worshipped by everyone as the God of Universe due to his infinite prowess.

In honor of his existence an entity called Delaxion was formed, she is an entity who serves as a cosmic judge, Delaxion has prophesied the emergence of many threats to the universe's stability and dealt with it accordingly in an attempt to take the burden as the universe judge from him.

In the mind of everyone, there was nothing that he couldn't accomplish and Delaxion kept doing her task to help him.

Everything and all seems to be doing well...

...Until suddenly, he vanished without a trace.

No one knows what or why it happened, Delaxion in great panic tries to find him or any clues surrounding his disappearance, yet to no avail there was none.

It all came down crashing to them that their God is gone...


Barren, was the perfect word to describe the situation in Planet Tenebrim. No signs of life was visible on the planet, not even small critters. Ruins of once great kingdom scattered around like graves and the remains of the people was still visible to the eye even after thousands of year passed by.

Suddenly the ground bubged like it was about to burst, before it subsided down...


The surface suddenly exploded enormously, the vision was obscured by the cloud of dust and smoke before it was blown away. Revealing a monstrous creature with a horn and four hind legs standing on the epicenter of the crater, it's left hand was instead a huge axe that were almost as big as it's body and it's right was a spiked ball of mace with a hook above it.

This is Tyrant, the chimera monster made of the past enemies that was defeated by the Ultra Brothers.

And now it has been revived, and this time modified into a gigantic terrible monster.

"...!" Tyrant growled out lowly from it's throat.

Suddenly a golden ray of light hits the back of the monster, causing sparks of light to fly off

"▂▂▃▃▅ーーー- - ! !" The chimera roared loudly, swinging it's axe limb wildly in anger.


Another explosion rocked the landscape on the other side of the monster, the dust and smoke covered the whole scene, a silhoutte of a figure kneeling was seen from the cloud faintly.

When the dust cloud were cleared it revealed to be a 50 meter giant with red, silver and black body, a silver 'band' covered his chest which were wrapped from his back and a small diamond shaped crystal sits on the middle of the 'band'. His eyes were shaped like ellipse and were yellow, and a reversed fin were on his head.

The red giant stares at the rampaging monster with calmness in his stance.


A deep and powerful voice of a male resounded from the giant. He watches as a faint humanoid shape began to form besides the monster who suddenly became silent.

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