The Tale of a Wayward Uchiha #1

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Ah Konohagakure, literally meaning as The Village Hidden by Tree Leaves is the hidden village of the Land of Fire. As the village of one of the Five Great Shinobi Countries.

The scene shows a mountain carved with faces, known as The Hokage rock, it is a mountain overlooking Konohagakure that has all the faces of the Hokage carved into the stone. It was envisioned by the first Hokage Hashirama Senju as a symbol that the Hokage would always watch over the village


Until the monument suddenly exploded colourfully. A blond haired child standing on top of the fourth head, was laughing while holding a paint brush and a bucket of paint

"(Laughing) Give it up. (Shows the stone faces drawn on with different coloured paints.) You're just bent, because you didn't have the guts to do what I do. Do ya!? Losers! Wanabees! You'll never catch me! (Laughs)" The child mocked the peoples down below

A childlike figure was gazing at the colourful stones from below it

"That guy... does it again..." The small figure blankly muttered, While gazing up at the stone faces of the Hokage's being desecrated and coloured brightly by paints.

It is revealed to be a child of eight years old, the child has spiky H/C coloured hair, a fair skin and a pair of E/C eyes. his outfit consisted of long-sleeveed black shirt with white shorts

"I don't... understand why he did it, does he... not afraid of the punishment that will be given to him should he got captured" He continued to mutter

He often heard from people how there's a troublemaker who would often pull a prank on them and cause chaos.

The child then directed his gaze elsewhere.

Far away from him where he look into, a group of masked man is seen jumping through the roofs of buildings.

While not far away from the groups, a yellow blur was seen blazing up ahead of them outrunning the group of masked mens.

As the group become more distant and the sun is starting to set the boy walked away, going down the streets ignoring people passing by.

After sometime the sun has finally set replacing it with the moon, and the boy soon came upon a district gate with a logo of Red and white fan.

He took time staring at the red and white fan before entering, however before he could do that he was stopped by 2 people

"Halt. State your name and business here" One of the 2 guards speak to the boy.

"My name is Y/N Uchiha, i was curious about outside of district... and just so happen to see the stone faces of the Hokage were coloured brightly, and i see a blur who i assume are the culprit who were being chased down by a group of masked mans. I lost interest after that and came here to go home"

"So you are the little brother of Shisui huh. Very well, we accept your reasons. But don't do it again" The second guard finally spoke.

"I understand sir." Y/N said, before finally entering the district with the gates behind him being closed.

He walked into a straight path till he turn left and came to a simple wooden house.

As he open the door and entered. But as soon as stepped in to the living room, someone covered his eyes "Guess who?" A familiar male voice speak to him.

"Big brother Shisui"

"You guess right!" The male voice now identified as Shisui finally removed his hands from Y/N's eyes as he turned around to face him.

What greeted him is a young man with short, unkempt black hair. broad nose and a defined eyelashes that turn upwards at each end, he wore dark-coloured high-collared outfit and dark-coloured pants.

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