The Ngawur Casters #1

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"Action!" The Author or often called Thor, adjusted his glasses and the headphones that were plugged in his ears, his two black eyes stared at another figure sitting casually in front of him, a man with the appearance of adonis with a snow-white hair companied with a roguish face that could make any women's heart to melt.

"Stop the diction! Ah, how are you Y/N Gojo, or rather; Tendō Gojo the Strongest Sorcerer of Tomorrow?"

"Eh? Am I Sorcerer?" Thor stared flatly at the albino. "Are you really stupid or pretending to be stupid?" He coughed to his hand hearing that.

"I'm fine, what's more, considering that I exist solely as the newest idea in a... Err, I quote you; Coping fandom, I'm... Quite pleased with your stories depiction."

"Eh, me? Ooooh, I'm so embarrassed."

"Yes, even though you have a rather messy schedule, and often neglects your other-" Thor grinned at Y/N.

"Do you want me to make an incest story about you and your mother playing behind your father's back?!"

Y/N's pale visage turn green at the thought of that particular scenario, especially who or what his 'maternal progenitor' - He refused to call them his mother - was, so his reaction-

Insert duriancat.mp4

Thor laughed loudly at the retching man, "Just kidding, don't worry. Maybe from now on I'll try to make it normal."

"Please do...."

"Ngawi Cinematic-"


"By the way, how do you view this world?" Y/N seemed to think for a moment, not forgetting to drink the orange juice on the table.

"There are no meaningful comments.... And I don't care."

"Are you also grateful that I often pair you with many girls?" The only notable response Thor got was a blank look.

"Please discuss something interesting." The author rose a brow.

"Ara, you don't like harem?"

"As Tendō, I don't see the appeal. But as Y/N... That's another matter." Thor adjusted his glasses, he looked at the script in his hand, "Does that satisfy your answer?"

"...Right, We continue the discussion. So, Y/N, what do you think about Overpower?" Y/N seemed to open his mouth.

"Overpower or what you call OP... Yes.. yes, I myself have no problem being an Overpowered character, but you know that it's all just someone's imagination to make the character they like stronger." The albino took a sip to hydrate himself.

"..For example, me, though at least you're creative enough as others provide their mc with unexpected powers but with lack luster execution and prelude."

"What is that? You fucking your own mother or something?"

"KON-!" Y/N sighed a little to calm himself, he continued his explanation just now.

"Six Eyes at first but you scratch that because of one user at life. Well, you once scratch that draft of me awakening the power that reflects negative side of imaginary."

"Well, that was after I started my career as a Fanfiction author." Y/N laughed listening to the Author's explanation.

"Yeah, I wouldn't have a problem with that, but then I Remember you're a frickin sadistic anjing who loves to torture MCs just because you like tragedy and bittersweet genre, the fuck IS WRONG WITH YOUR MIND!?"

"Sorry, I just wanted to laugh." Thor cleared his throat for a moment, then continued his words, "Well you could also attributes that to... Well, other people works which seems to downgrade each publish, I must create something new no matter what it is."

"Moreover, many authors nowadays don't continue their stories because they are busy, I myself as an author also understand this because I am too busy." Y/N tilts his head, as he then realized something.

"Ah, yes. Authors have their own lives, though they can be such dicks deleting their stories instead of leaving it behind."

"By the way, last topic of the day... pairing. As you know, there are lots of people out there who pair their favorite characters with this, that and that, many also ntr each other's characters, as if those characters are very superior to the other. Moreover, there are some who are still in the same circle but also cheats each other."

"Duh le, why the fuck you reference that stupid genre."

"It's all in the script."

"Tsk.. I can see that they are doing self-insertion with me as the vessel or figure. I don't care about it myself."


"I'm actually happy if there's a seg scene."



"....What, I'm a fictional Sorcerer while you're real Muslim, I'm allowed to be degen."

"I wrote your line."

"Lah iya."

{To be Continued =>}


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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