A Day With My Wife, Robin

877 29 3

Pairing: Y/N Gojo x Robin

Robin is mute, ei, ei.. Hum

Warning: Slight ecchi


Y/N exit the bathroom as he dry his hair out with towel and he stop at the entrance of kitchen to peek inside. A busty woman stands in front of stove, making sunny eggs and he smirked impishly as he quietly sneak up on her while glancing up and down her appearance.

Robin is a young woman with light blue hair and green eyes. Her hair reaches her hips and is slightly curled at the bottom, the left side of her bangs is behind her ear, while having a partially-tied bun and a single thin lock in front of her left ear, reaching her chin. A pair of wings can be seen behind her ears as well as a gold halo which slightly tilts to the right, pale-white skin and she wear a strapless matching dress.


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This person in front of Y/N is his wife of five years and he always brag about her almost all the time because she's very cute and loveable girl he ever meet, much to her joy and embarrassment.

"Whoo~" Y/N suddenly hugged her from behind with a whisper, causing Robin to jump up flustering before her head turn around to face him with a silent pout.

"..." The mute Halovian stares at him for a moment before she rapidly swat his arm with blush as steam comes out from her head.

"Sorry, Robin, sorry." Y/N simply took her hits with laughter, "I couldn't resist it."

The blushing Robin only crossed her arms with a childish stomp, "Sorry, sorry." He snickered before he suddenly kiss her then pull away as her blush deepened.

"Will you forgive me?" Robin stares at him for few moments before she timidly nod.

"Great..." She held up one finger as if she was asking for one more and he chuckle lightly.

"Hehe, sure thing dear." He kissed her again.



"Are you sure you want to spend the day with me in my office?" Y/N asked Robin as soon as they walk into the quiet compound and she nod few times while patting her bag, filled with books.

Servants of the Gojo clan lines up to greet the pair, though Y/N didn't bother to acknowledge their presence and merely walks ahead while Robin just nodded, both of them then reached a traditional house and enters it.

"Alright, but believe me, it's going to be very boring because of all paperworks..." She stare at him deadpan for a minute, then she shook her wearily.

"...Ok, ok, you caught me. I always left my paperworks when I'm not in the mood." He sit down at his desk with a light chuckle as his wife sat down on the other side.

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