The Truth.

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I'm sitting in a meeting with Reiner, Pieck, Porco, Magath, Zeke, and one of the top army generals. We're making a game plan for when and where we need to land on Paradis. Reiner just finished informing the general about the best spot to dock, in order to avoid conflict as soon as possible.

"Alright, what are you trying to say?" The general asks Reiner. "I'm just sharing information that I thought might be useful" Reiner replies.

"Well I think you've shared quite enough. I don't know why we let an Eldian talk in the first place." The general spits.

I cringe. Reiner knows better than anyone where we should go when we get there. He is the only one in this room who spent a serious extended amount of time on that island. I of course, keep all those thoughts to myself.

After we're dismissed, Porco, Pieck, Reiner, Zeke and I go out to the balcony to decompress. "The paradis plan seems to be coming right along. The brass in charge seems oh so intelligent." Porco remarks sarcastically.

I nudge him with my elbow and he gives me a playful wink. "Yeah so intelligent, because sending 4 children to an island with no support is pure genius" Pieck adds.

Right at that moment, we watch as Falco, Gabi, Udo and Zofia run by. Normally Gabi is miles ahead of everyone in foot races, but right now Falco is right on her tail. We all lean over the railing to take a look.

"He's winning." Reiner starts. "Falco just passed Gabi." I smile at the sight below. Falco wins the race and they all cheer for him. Gabi looks pissed but it's kind of funny.

Gabi is so far ahead of Falco at this point, I don't think it really matters who wins a few races. "Reminds me of you two." I gesture to Reiner and Porco. "You guys used to fight like cats and dogs when we were there age."

Reiner smirks but I see Porco roll his eyes. "Yeah, there was a reason for that." "Oh don't start." Pieck chimes in. I chuckle. "Well, I'm off to work. Time to figure out our game plan. I'll see you guys tonight." I wave my goodbyes and head to my desk to meet with Magath.


"I think what Reiner was saying is right. I think that's our best bet, to sail in un noticed." Magath grunts in agreement. "We will make that our tentative plan then, L/N." I nod. Just as I think Magath is about to leave, he turns around one more time.

"Everything okay sir?" I ask. "Good work with Reiner. I noticed you two out the other day. Keep it up." I am speechless at the fact that Magath just praised me. I have never received an ounce of positive feedback from the man. "Y-yes sir." I stutter as he walks out the door for good.

I'm eating dinner alone when I hear a knock at the door. "Come in!" I yell, my mouth half full of food. I hear what seems to be a stampede run down my hallway and into the kitchen where I'm eating. Before me, stands Gabi, Udo, Falco and Zofia. Behind them Pieck, Porco and Reiner. My eyes widen. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" I ask with my mouth half full of food.

"You're coming with us!" Gabi commands. "Ya! We're going downtown to check out all the cool food stalls!" Falco exclaims. I raise an eyebrow at the adults behind them. "We're all going?" They groan in agreement. I smile. "Okay give me 2 minutes."

I quickly put my dishes away and change clothes. I leave a note for my dad and I'm out the door. We walk downtown and there's people everywhere. "Wow." I say to nobody in particular. "Right?" Reiner agrees.

"Over here!!" Gabi yells and the 4 kids run off. They make it to a stand selling some sort of pastry with icing. They all take their empty coin bags out when I realize why they wanted us to all come along.

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