ODM Gear.

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The next day, I'm standing in a clearing surrounded by trees. Reiner is hooking up the ODM gear to my waist and I can feel my palms become slick with sweat. "Don't be nervous." Reiner says.

He is standing behind me and his mouth is right next to my ear, his voice barely above a whisper. Now my palms are sweaty for a different reason entirely.  "I - I'm not." I mutter.

"Once you get the hang of it I won't be able to keep you on the ground." He teases. I let out a nervous laugh.

"Alright you're all set. Ready?" He asks. I spin around to face him.

"Whoa whoa hold up. Talk me through this." I blurt. Reiner smirks."Sure."

He turns me back around so he is standing behind me again. He places his hand on mine and guides it to the triggers on either side of my hips. "Feel these?" He asks. "Mhm." I squeak out. It's hard to focus with Reiner this close to me.

"These are what controls your grappling hooks. Once you shoot these, the hooks will shoot out and wherever they land is where you will go." He adjust my hands to the second set of triggers. "These will give you the gas to go. If you engage these, you'll fly up towards wherever your hooks are. Got it?"

"Crystal." I reply and cringe at my inability to form a coherent sentence. My cheeks heat up and I feel Reiners body move as he chuckles from behind me.

"Okay, moving on." Reiner begins. He leads my hand to the two handles. "In order to engage your swords, you have to clip this onto the blades. The blades are at your sides, so just find the opening and push in."

"Okay." I squeak. I cannot be this close to him for an extended period of time. I figure out the swords.

"I think that about covers it, want to give it a go?" I turn around. "You want me to try now? I thought we would just be- I don't know. Talking about it today!" I shout.

Reiner smiles down at me. "So you are nervous." He teases.

"So what if I am? I have spent my entire life on the ground, I don't see why it's so important I fly into the air now." Reiner runs his hands along my upper arms. I melt into his touch.

"You're going to do fine, I know someone who is probably the single stupidest person I've ever met figure out the ODM gear. And he was pretty good at it." I've never heard Reiner talk about the people from Paradis, outside of Eren and the Ackermans. "Who was it?" I pry, hoping for a glimpse into his time on the island.

Reiners smile falls slightly. I regret asking. "You don't have to say." I try to back track.

"His name is Conny. He was one of my comrades on the island." I offer a small smile. "Conny." I repeat back. I want to learn more, but I don't want to push him.

"Okay let's do this." I say. I grip the trigger and release my hooks into a nearby tree. I take one last look at Reiner before releasing my gas and shooting up to the tree. I make it up without breaking any bones.

"Good. Now give yourself some slack and try free hanging. Balance is important." I hear Reiner yell from beneath me. "Got it!" I yell back. I release some tension on the cords and lower myself from the tree slowly. I push myself off  and feel my body hang freely.

My limbs start to shake slightly from nerves but I quickly gain my balance. "I'm doing it!" I yell. "That you are. You can come down now." I laugh loudly. "Fuck that!"

I release one of my hooks and shoot it into the next tree, once it connects I release the second and begin swinging along the tree line. My adrenaline is pumping and I can't help the smile that forms over my mouth as my hair blows in the wind. I look behind me and see Reiner standing there watching me. I manage to turn back around, I need to work on my gracefulness. I make it back to Reiner and as soon as I land I release my gear and run over to him.

I run into him and I feel his strong arms wrap around me and my feet left the ground. I am smiling widely and laughing so obnoxiously as he spins me around. "I can't believe I did that! That was unreal!" I yell.

"You're a natural." Reiner replies sweetly. I lean my head back and look into Reiners eyes. He's smiling up at me and my heart is pounding in my chest. I can't wait any longer as I crash my lips into his.

I feel his arms tighten around me as I run my fingers through his blonde hair. I open my mouth slightly and feel his tongue slide in. I instinctively wrap my legs around his waist and he moves his hands to my ass to support me. I feel my core burning with need already. The feeling is foreign but not unwelcome.

A small moan escapes my lips. He runs his hand under my shirt, his touch on my bare back. I feel like I'm going to explode. Reiner starts walking and I don't know where he's going but I don't care. I am so consumed by his touch that he could drag me down to the depths of hell and I don't think I would be able to rip my gaze away from him.

I feel something hard against my back, we must be up against the small utilities shed. I lean my head back and Reiners mouth lands on my neck.

Reiner becomes more aggressive, as if he is overcome by passion. His hands are trailing all along my body, he releases my shirt from where it's tucked into my pants and I feel his warm touch on my stomach.

"I uh- hope I'm not interrupting anything."

My eyes shoot open and I push myself out of Reiners arms. I try to adjust my shirt but nothing can help us play this off. I look over Reiners shoulder and see Colt standing before us. I am mortified. "Uhm wh- what's wrong? What's up? Is uh- everything ok?" I stutter.

"Magath wants to see Reiner when you guys are done your uh- training." Colt says, clearly embarrassed having walked in on this. Reiner sighs heavily. "Ok Colt. Thanks." He says sharply, his back still turned on him. I look up at him wondering why he doesn't turn around.

He looks at me and the his eyes shoot to the floor. I follow his gaze and that's when I notice the bulge pressing against his pants. I stifle a laugh and look up at him, he looks at me with a pained expression.

"I'll uh- leave you to it." Colt replies with a small chuckle, before speed walking away. I can't help the laugh that bursts out of my mouth. "Fuck." Reiner curses.

"We should probably get out of here before Colt goes and tells the entire barracks about this." I suggest. Reiner sighs. "You keep practicing for now, I'll go see what Magath wants. I'll be back in a bit. Don't be stupid with the gear and work on your balance and swiftness." I roll my eyes. "Yes captain." I tease.

Reiner tilts my chin up and kisses me again, this time slower, deeper. My body slackens and I want to stay in his moment forever. But I can't, Reiner backs away and I watch as he leaves and walks back towards the barracks. I walk over to the ODM head and hook myself up.

"I guess it's just you and me buddy." I say to the inanimate object in front of me.

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