C H A P T E R F O U R- L O V E ?

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My head was pounding ever since I woke up

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My head was pounding ever since I woke up. I tried to have a shower and somehow get rid of it just made it worst. What was more worse was that I had no recollection of what happened yesterday after dinner. I remember storming off after Milan but the rest was just blank, as if a page in my mind was ripped out and incinerated into the air. No matter how hard I tried to think back to yesterday, it just wouldn't come back. It's got to the point where my mind has been making up fake scenarios to fill in the blank space in my memory.

Now I'm here sitting on the kitchen island as I wait for Aunt Bridget to finish making breakfast. Everyone else but my aunts and stepmother are out somewhere, either at work or getting their needs fulfilled at the club.


"Are you sure you don't want herbal tea instead of normal tea? It looks like that headache is getting to you." Auntie asks, her soft voice somewhat soothing my headache.

"No it's all good, I might just need to sleep it off." I mutter, rubbing my temple with my right hand as the left rests on the counter. I asked Aunt Bridget what happened yesterday, but she avoided the question and always changed the subject, which puts me off a bit. Shes never been so secretive towards me, so her sudden change of heart today is worrying to say the least. She's never been so quiet about a topic, hell if I was the one asking something, it would turn into a full ramble and slowly trail off to a different topic, ending up in a serious, 'And that's why you shouldn't...' conversation.

She shoved a plate of waffles with strawberries and chocolate on it with tea on the side. The strong scent of the waffles managed to attract Zane, Carlos' dog. It was a huge Doberman who had a constant drooling problem which was disgusting. I grimaced when he tilted his head at me, some of the drooling escaping and splotches on the floor. I like dogs but at the same time I don't, they're so unhygienic and always drool everywhere for some reason.

I ignore the drooling beast and focus my attention back on my plate, but before I could take the first bite I suddenly remembered, "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you but I'm going out with a few friends today."

She stops what's she doing and turns around, flinging the tea towel over her shoulder and crossing her arms, "You've been going out often nowadays."

"Isn't that good? You guys always complain how I'm antisocial."

"With us. It's like you're a complete different person with your friends but as soon as you come home you don't even bother talking to anyone." She complains, her tone sharp.

"Don't blame me, it's the way you guys raised me." I shrug, "And I'm not antisocial! I talk to you, Auntie Nina and Maria because you guys were the ones who actually cared about me. The others can go jump off a cliff for all I care."


"What? It's true." Ever since I've come out my mother's womb, all I've been met with is nasty glares and neglect. The only people who cared about me were my aunts who filled in the role of my mother. She died during childbirth, she lost too much blood. I'm guessing that's why my siblings hate me, and eventually my cousins followed in their footsteps and disliked me too.

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