C H A P T E R T W E N T Y- U N H I N G E D

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 "You know everything, don't you?" Lucian said, shoving the teddy bear that was sitting on the chair onto the floor, taking its seat

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"You know everything, don't you?" Lucian said, shoving the teddy bear that was sitting on the chair onto the floor, taking its seat.

"Depends on what you mean by everything."
She gripped the silk sheets beneath her until her knuckles turned white. To put it simply, she was shitting herself.

She didn't know everything, but she knew enough to determine that trusting her family was the stupidest thing she had ever done.

Lucian's gaze hardened, his eyes flickering to the clock, before returning back to the girl, "You have exactly 20 minutes to tell me everything you know." He sunk further into the chair, stretching out his legs.

"If you don't," he rested his elbow on the arm of the chair, enough to expose the pistol tucked into the waistband of his pants.

He didn't finish his sentence, knowing that Valeria was smart enough to figure out the threat he had subtly made.

She didn't want to risk her life, she didn't want to die withholding information that Lucian probably knew about. So she decided to play it safe.

"Where do you want me to begin?" She hesitated, she had a feeling he wanted to start from the night when she drove Devon's car off the cliff, and if he did start from there she would also have to mention Devon and their friends' involvement.

But then again he probably already knew since he went through her phone, and most definitely through the group chat.

"The cliff, when you drove the car off the edge."

Valeria took a deep breath, recalling her conversation with Devon and the brief memories she had of that night.

"I can't fully remember what happened because I lost my memories, but from what I remember, I saw Christian and Carlo kill someone, and out of fear I drove my friend's car and fled the scene. Um, I think I lost control of the car and I couldn't hit the brake, so I purposely crashed it into a tree and got out right before it fell down the cliff—"

"Are you going to tell me whose car you were driving or are you going to make me force it out of you?" He asked, placing the gun in the palm of his hands, taking the safety off.

Valeria gulped.

"You already know."

"I want to hear you confirm it."

"You won't do anything to him, right?" She asked.

"Depends on how I'm feeling after this conversation." He shrugged. He wasn't actually going to harm him, he couldn't be asked to kill a few teenagers just because they knew shit about the family. It didn't mean that he wouldn't cause utter chaos for them though.

"Devon, it was Devon's car."

Clicking his tongue, he shook his head on disappointment, "Liar."

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