C H A P T E R N I N E T E E N- M E N T A L I T Y

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Word regarding the attack on Valeria de Vinci has made it to the press in no time and it hasn't even been a few hours before every news outlet had reported on the incident

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Word regarding the attack on Valeria de Vinci has made it to the press in no time and it hasn't even been a few hours before every news outlet had reported on the incident.

The monotonous clacking of keyboards and the sound of machines beeping only piped Lucian's frustration while sitting in an uncomfortable seat clearly too small for a big man like himself.

It had irked him that a few kids had the audacity to laugh at his awkward way of sitting in such a small seat, one of the kids being his own brother.

"You look like you're constipated." Milan snickered, sitting comfortably in a bean bag opposite his brother with his legs sprawled out and his phone in hand.

"Shut the fuck up." Lucian demanded, jolting up from his seat after having enough of Milan.

Milan rolled his eyes and gazed back down at his phone, tuning out the angry footsteps of his father pacing back and forth in the hallway.

"One fucking job, one fucking job and you fucking screwed it up!" His shouts echoed through the hallway, and if it wasn't for the floor that they were on, Stefano would've drawn a few curious and worried glances.

The Sekhmet Private Hospital had the entire 14th floor booked out by the de Vinci's for the sole privacy of Valeria. It hadn't taken much persuasion to do so considering the Hospital was owned by the Al-Khafaji's who had no problem with Valeria and only with the people she resided with.

Christian and Julien stood near the door of Valeria room's their heads down with their hands clasped in front of them as they faced the wrath of Stefano.

"One wrong fucking move, and that girl would've ended up buried next to her sister and mother. All that hard work of raising her to be the perfect daughter and soon to be perfect wife for whatever person comes begging for her hand in marriage, all of that would have been for fucking nothing!"

It was no secret that Valeria was destined to be sold off to a man for the sake of new alliances, it was written in the stars.

Christian mumbled a quiet sorry, followed by Julien who also apologised but with more confidence. They were terrified of their father.

He used to be loving and kind, encouraging his kids to do things that they loved, but then after their mother's death and Valeria's birth, it all changed.

There wasn't a spark of affection for his children whenever they did something to please him, nor was there comfort in the way he spoke to them.

At least they all had some sort of memories of their father's loving nature, the youngest got his cold shoulder.

No matter how much she tried, nagged or begged, she would always be ignored. She has gotten so desperate that she had resorted into craving for some sort of attention from any older male figure in her life, just to feel the affection she could've received from her father.

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