Pressure. 7k words

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"So you're leaving?" Oscar entered what used to be Lando's sanctuary within the team garage.

"Seems like it," came Lando's resigned response.

"Why?" Oscar pressed, his voice tinged with frustration.

"Pressure," Lando replied, his shoulders slumping under the weight of his words.


Oscar felt nauseous as he entered Zak's office. There was something serious in Zak's tone, something that made Oscar's stomach twist with worry.

"Take a seat, Oscar," Zak said, his face grave. Oscar felt like he was walking into a storm.

"This is tough, Oscar," Zak began, his voice heavy. "And I get it if you need time to process what I'm about to say."

Oscar nodded, feeling a lump form in his throat. He braced himself for the news he didn't want to hear.

"Lando..." Zak hesitated, as if the name itself was too much to bear.


"Lando's leaving. He's gone to Red Bull."

The words hit Oscar like a punch to the gut.

"So you're leaving?" Oscar entered what used to be Lando's sanctuary within the team garage.

"Seems like it," came Lando's resigned response.

"Why?" Oscar pressed, his voice tinged with frustration.

"Pressure," Lando replied, his shoulders slumping under the weight of his words.

"Pressure of what exactly?" Oscar demanded, a mix of confusion and hurt swirling within him.

"Pressure of falling short, of not meeting expectations, of time slipping away. I still haven't clinched a win, you know," Lando confessed, his voice heavy with regret.

"Neither have I," Oscar admitted firmly.

"But you have time, Oscar. I don't," Lando murmured, his gaze fixed on the ground.

"So you're taking the easy way out? Abandoning the team you claim to love? Lando, McLaren is in your blood. After all the blood, sweat, and tears, after pouring your heart into this team, how can you just walk away?" Oscar's words were laced with bitterness, his frustration boiling over.

"But it's never been enough. Maybe you can do what I couldn't," Lando replied, his tone resigned.

"So you welcome me into the team, make me feel at home, make me less scared to be a rookie and make mistakes just to fucking leave? Is that it, Lando? You criticized Carlos for the same thing, and now you're doing it yourself," Oscar accused, a pang of betrayal coursing through him.

"I guess I'm no different, am I? Carlando, they say," Lando retorted, a hint of bitterness in his voice. Oscar felt a pang in his chest.

"I hate you," Oscar spat out, the words tasting bitter on his tongue.

"See you on the track, Oscar, keep em safe and happy for me, yeah?" Lando replied, his footsteps echoing as he walked away without a backward glance.

"Fuck you, Red Bull is going to destroy you, Lando. Mark my fucking words!" Oscar yelled, hoping Lando caught it. His heart heavy with disappointment as he watched his once close teammate disappear from sight.


"Well the media is having a field day," Liam announced, tossing the newspaper onto the table in front of Oscar, who was lost in his thoughts, staring into the distance.

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