Bittersweet. 3k

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The guys decide to have some fun after the race, some to forget, some to just have fun. Feelings arise and getting together happens. And of course a shit ton of tension.


It was 5 hours after the silverstone grand prix. Half were celebrating and half were...suffering to say the least.

Oscar felt bittersweet, it's like he's happy that he achieved such a high place for a rookie, it's been a decade since a rookie did this good, but at the same time he wants to bang his head into a wall repeatedly until he feels empty. His mind's replaying the same words over and over fuck the safety car, fuck the safety car, fuck the safety car. Fuck the hard tyres as well.

He honestly felt like just going back to his hotel room and suffer alone in silence, or maybe some depressing music, he might even go for a walk to clear his head. There's so many emotions flowing in his body that he doesn't even know what to do with himself.

Yet all his thoughts and plans got interrupted by none other than Lando, Oscar's teammate, the same guy who got to go on the podium in his home race. Oscar really wanted to be happy for him, he was of course, but at the same time it's very bittersweet, considering the fact that Oscar had the chance to get on the podium himself. He knows that this means so much to Lando so he shoves all the negative thoughts in the back of his head for now.

Lando informed him that half of the grid is going to George's hotel room to hang out and play games. Oscar was about to protest but when he saw Lando's determined face, he knew that there was no backing out of this.

So with a sigh he let Lando lead the way.


George's hotel room was way more spacious than Oscar's, well that's also because it was a different hotel. It was way more luxurious and modern. It almost felt too modern, the room was screaming "here for work" it almost felt uncozy. But then again who was Oscar to judge, at least it was a pretty hotel room, there was a white leather couch and a white fluffy rug in the middle of the room. The rug was quite big and there was already a few of the drivers sitting on it. In conclusion the room was neat and clean so thats all that mattered.

Lando took Oscar's arm and tugged him down on the rug with himself, a loud "oof" leaving Oscar's mouth.

"Hi Oscar! congratulations on the 4th place, unlucky with the safety car" was the first thing George told Oscar. There was a few "yeah's" coming from the other drivers in agreement. And Oscar would've honestly been really grateful if this was the first time he heard it today, but he heard this more times than he can count, and it got exhausting and quite annoying. But he really didn't want to sound like a bitch, so he just smiled a tiny bit and muttered a small thanks in return.

He met Lando's eyes, they were sympathetic and almost comforting? But Oscar really didn't need any pitying, he had enough of that today already, one more fucking "im sorry about that" from literally anyone and he's going to lose his shit, he might seem like he's all harmless, but he can easily cuss everyone out if needed.

So he quickly looked away from Lando and down into his lap that had his both hands placed there. Everyone fell into a light conversation and more and more people started showing up.

Sooner or later there was a full circle of the drivers on the rug with beers in their hands.

Oscar was going through another crisis in his head so he didn't even think twice before taking the ice cold beer from the bowl it was in and chugging half of it in one go.

He could feel Lando's burning gaze on him, he did not dare to look back at the other, instead he lifted the bottle up to his lips again, sipping slowly.

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