Two Weeks. 1,4k

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"What are you implying, Norris?" Oscar asked, his tone slightly off, his voice hushed in a whisper.

"I'm implying that you should kiss me, and then after, we plan an actual date," Lando offered.


"so..this is it huh?" Lando asked, staring at Oscar.

Lando's question hung in the air, a palpable mix of sincerity and a touch of jest. Oscar, with a fond smile, replied, "Yep," acknowledging the weight of the moment.

"Fuck, this is gonna sound like a fucking breakup," Lando scoffed.

Oscar snorted, their eyes locked in a gaze that spoke volumes. As Lando prepared to express his gratitude, he couldn't ignore the twinge of nervousness, the words carrying a weight that transcended the casual banter they often shared.

"I guess what I wanted to say was thanks for the great year and thanks for putting up with me... a lot of people can't, actually. And especially thank you for pushing me to drive better, i hate it and love it at the same time" Lando mumbled, sincerity lacing his words.

Oscar's laughter cut through the tension, a warm sound that held an unspoken camaraderie. "Mate, if anything, it's me who should be thanking you—for helping me, for welcoming me, for teaching me, for being so laidback and not beating my ass, for everything, really," Oscar expressed, his words reflecting the genuine appreciation he felt.

Do not cry, do not cry, do not cry, do not fucking cry, do not-

"Are you- okay? Your eyes are watery," Oscar observed, his expression shifting from smiley to concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry," Lando reassured, forcing a smile to mask the emotions beneath the surface. Yet, the intensity of the moment lingered, and Lando found himself on the brink of something he hadn't anticipated.

"Oh, okay then," Oscar deadpanned, but his eyes lingered with a mix of curiosity and concern.

"So, are you actually going to be staying in Australia for those 97 days?" Lando inquired, subtly steering the conversation away from the emotional undercurrents.

"I think so. I mean, there's not much to do, and I haven't seen my family in a while. Plus, I'm not like you—I'm not friends with half of the grid, so I could just make plans to hang out," Oscar explained with a casual shrug, attempting to downplay his situation.

Something clenched at Lando's heart as he processed Oscar's words, realizing the loneliness that might be hidden behind the casual facade.

"That's...actually quite sad," Lando remarked, his frown betraying the empathy he felt for Oscar.

"Don't pity me too much, I'll be fine," Oscar smiled.

"Well, I mean... we could hang out somewhere in between those 97 days. I have some quadrant things to film now, and hang with the fam for a bit, but I will definitely find time to hang out with you," Lando offered, attempting to sound nonchalant, though the desperation in his voice might have betrayed him.

Oscar raised an eyebrow, considering the proposal.

"We could, yeah. You could come down to Australia?" Oscar suggested.

"Sure, I don't mind, as long as I don't get attacked by a kangaroo," Lando shrugged, eliciting a laugh from Oscar.

"No, like seriously, I saw this giant buff kangaroo on my TikTok for you page a few days ago. It was standing in the water with its biceps out, literally holding a dog hostage and fighting a human. No thanks," Lando winced, recalling the video.

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