Loud And Clear Baby. 4k

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Lando gets a new mechanic, who turns out to be a very young, attractive Australian. His accent for starters doesn't even irritate Lando.

Yeah he's done for.

(this one was very loved by the ao3 community:D)


"Lando, meet Oscar, he's your new mechanic as we mentioned a few weeks ago" Andrea said and motioned to the guy.

Lando looked at the guy, up and down. He was...very young, or at least looked like it, he had fluffy hair, his eyes were a pretty shade of brown, his whole face was filled with small moles, they looked pretty on him.

"Hi, i'm Oscar, your new mechanic for a while" Oscar said, extending his hand with a small, polite smile.

Ah, he has an accent, Australian. Usually Australian accent's irritated Lando, Oscar's accent though, was doing something to his brain, mushing it, it sounded pretty for once.

"Hi Oscar, nice to meet you. How old are you? Ya look very young" Lando explained, shaking Oscar's hand, it was warm and a bit clammy, he wanted to hold on to it for a bit longer, he couldn't.

"M' 22, so yeah i'm quite young i guess" Oscar mumbled.

"Hm, well that's going to be a breath of new fresh air then, you're young and have the brains for it hopefully, i'm getting sick of these old men in my ear all the time" Lando joked and winked.

Oscar seemed so blush slightly at Lando's statement, yet he replied "I'll try my best" with a neutral face.

"Well this man is going to be tough to read and to break" Lando thought, challenge accepted then, he smirked.

Oscar seemed to raise an eyebrow, but didn't say anything.

"Guess i have another reason to stay at mclaren for a while longer now, considering i have a new pretty mechanic" Lando said, because he liked teasing people and because he was a little shit.

There was a small glint of amusement visible in Oscar's eyes, yet it was gone at the same moment, his face back to neutral.

"Don't let me distract your driving, Norris" Oscar said.

"I would never, plus i'm great at multitasking" Lando said and winked.

Oscar looked unimpressed, his arms were crossed.

"Definitely a tough egg to crack" Lando thought again.

"Okay then, i think that's enough introduction for now, Oscar i need to talk to you about work stuff, also for you to sign some more paperwork, since you're starting on friday, let's go" Andrea cleared his throat, looked back and forth at the two guys and gestured for Oscar to follow him.

With one last glance at Lando, Oscar turned around and followed Andrea.

And at that moment Lando realised.

Fuck i need him.


Friday rolled around sooner than Lando expected, he didn't see Oscar after they got introduced, but he will definitely be seeing him today, since it's fp1 and fp2, his nerves were buzzing more than usual, a certain aussie definitely had nothing to do with it, nope.

He climbed into his car and slid into the seat, waiting for the mechanics to fully tuck him into the car.

The free practice had started, cameras and people everywhere, one of the mechanics gestured for him to drive out of the garage, he did so.

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