Soft Launch. 13k (eventual smut)

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"You could tell him i'm your boyfriend" Oscar said quietly.

"Wha- what?" Lando laughed, this had to be a joke right? right!!?

"I mean, only if you want to of course, like a- what do they call it? fake pretend relationship or something? just for these two weeks so he fucks off or something" Oscar explained.

(again very loved by the ao3 community this one)

"Max what the fuck?!"

"What? what's wrong?" Max raised an eyebrow.

"Why didn't you tell me Carlos was going to be there?!" Lando hissed.

"Oh, uh, to be fair i didn't know he was coming, Charles invited him" Max answered, shrugging. Of course he did.

"You know there's a reason why i avoid him right?" Lando said, narrowing his eyes at the other.

"Uh, because you had a fling with him and it went terribly? or something like that right?" Max murmured.

"That- and because he then became fucking obsessive over me! he like- started stalking me and what not! I was so fucking happy when he went back to Spain to live there!" Lando whisper yelled. The whole fling was an absolute disaster.

It went like this:

Lando was drunk at a bar, he wasn't close with Carlos per say, it's more of a- they had mutual friends and that's why Lando was quite literally forced to interact with the other, sure he was attractive, most girls and guys would probably fall by his feet, begging for a chance, Lando on the other hand, didn't. Carlos was just not his type and he also kind of thought that the other was a bit creepy.

So basically one second he's having small talk with Carlos (they literally had nothing in common) the next second he's drunk off his ass, in Carlos bedroom getting fucked into the mattress. When he woke up it was all a blur, he panicked, stood up, fell back down on the bed because he was sore, tried standing up again and with succession fleeted the apartment.

Carlos clearly didn't give up after, he somehow always managed to find where Lando was, always tried talking dirty to him, always tried somehow to manoeuvre Lando back to his bed. It was tragic to the point where Lando didn't feel safe. The whole thing was very weird and uncomfortable for Lando, so the brit was basically jumping up and down when he found out that Carlos was going back to live in Spain.

He finally was free, it felt nice, a nice breath of fresh air.

So now when he was standing in the middle of his and Max's shared apartment, panicked as fuck, because he just found out from George that Carlos is gonna be there, he thought he was absolutely fucked.

"Well, if it's that bad i can like- i don't know, come up with something so he leaves or something" Max offered, the dutch man had always been one of Lando's closest friends, hence why they now live together (plus paying rent is so much easier) he was always there to help Lando and vise versa, that's why Max is on Lando's side, always.

"It's fine, i'll think of something. He's literally Charles's friend and it would be very rude of me to ruin their time together, he's only visiting right?" Lando's heart jumped at the question, he better only be visiting or God knows what Lando is gonna do then.

"Yeah yeah, he's only here for the following two weeks that we will be spending at the beach house and then he's gone again" Max said. Lando breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Right okay, who else is coming?" Lando questioned. He knew that George and Alex are coming, he was close with them, plus the two guys were dating, he knew that Charles is obviously coming, since it was his families beach house and because him and Lando were also close friends.

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