What Am I Supposed To Drive Both Cars At The Same Time? 1.3k

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Lando went on a midnight walk with a t-shirt on, shivering his ass off and everything was fine, until he woke up with a sore throat, sweating his ass off, shivering, sneezing, nose running and you know, all that lovely fever stuff. It's all fine, as long as Oscar doesn't find out, because he would be a dead man walking. (spoiler alert Oscar does find out).


It was exactly three days before the hungarian grand prix, that Lando had arrived. The weather was pretty warm in the day time, so Lando, the idiot he is, thought that it would be no difference later on in the evening. He checked in to the hotel and sat there for a few good hours doing absolutely nothing, eventually he got bored and decided to go on a walk, he thought that a short sleeved shirt was going to do the job (he was oh so wrong) so he left the hotel wearing sweats and a plain white t-shirt. He stepped into the chilly midnight air and immediately shivered, he thought of going back and getting a hoodie, but since he's a stubborn bitch, decided against it and started walking further away.

If Oscar was with him right now, he would scold him, yell at him, then make him go back and get a hoodie. If he somehow found out that Lando was out in the middle on nowhere freezing his ass off, Oscar would yell at him, call him an idiot and then fly all the way from Australia to Lando with a hoodie in his hands, but Oscar only arrives tomorrow, so there's no way he would know.

That was until Lando woke up with a sore throat, sweating his ass off, shivering, sneezing, nose running and you know, all that lovely fever stuff. And he didn't really know what to do, he 100% did not have any medicine on him and he could not leave his bed or else he would pass out and he did have a practice session to attend in two days, so as a grown ass adult he decided to do the most responsible thing, he called Charlotte, since she was almost like his second mother.


"Hi, Charlotte, we might have a slight problem?" Lando's voice was sore and he managed to cough three times in that sentence.

"I can clearly hear, are you sick?"

"Uh, i might be?"

"How did you manage to get sick two days before a practice session?" Charlotte sounded slightly amused and annoyed at the same time.

"Okay well, but you have to promise to not tell Oscar"


"Because he will beat my ass up and then feed me medicine"

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"He's quite scary when he's pissed off"

"Okay so tell me how you managed to get sick, Lando"

"I went for a walk last night and i forgot to bring a hoodie with me?" Lando squeaked out.

"....Yup i'm calling Oscar" Charlotte sighed.

"No no no no! Char-"

beep beep beep

"Aaand she hung up, great" Lando sighed, the coughed again.

About an hour later and a bunch of unread messages from Lando to Oscar saying "ignore Charlotte idk what she's on abt" "i'm not sick" "i did not go out late at night without a hoodie, trust"

Oscar barged into Lando's hotel room (yup Lando left it unlocked) with two bags and a pissed expression on his face. oops.

"How the fuck did you go out without a hoodie into a cold night, two days before practice?!" Oscar questioned, throwing the bags onto the counter.

"I don't cough know i didn't think cough it was going to be cough that cold sneeze" Oscar narrowed his eyes at Lando who was looking at him with puppy eyes, the aussie sighed.

"You're a fucking idiot, so what you told Charlotte not to tell me so you would sit here two days straight sick off your ass and then miss the practice? what am i supposed to drive both cars at the same time?!"

"There's reserve drivers" Lando muttered.

"Fuck the reserve drivers!" Oscar yelled, Lando cringed.

Oscar walked up to where Lando was laying in his bed and placed a hand on the brit's forehead (and if Lando's stomach decided to do somersaults it was no ones, but Lando's business)

"Yup you're burning" Oscar sighed.

He went back to the bags that were laying on the counter and pulled out few small boxes.

"Here, drink some paracetamol, then eat these pills, they help with a sore throat, i bought soup so i'll heat it up and i'll make some tea with honey" Oscar said.


"Don't you dare protest Norris" Oscar narrowed his eyes, Lando closed his mouth.

"Thanks" Was all that the brit managed to say.

And if Lando's stomach did somersaults again, because Oscar decided to call him by his last name, he will blame it on the sickness thank you very much.

So about ten minutes of comfortable silence, the soup was heated up and the tea was made.

Oscar carried the food on a tray to Lando's bed.

"Here, don't spill it or i swear to god Lando"

"Thanks mom, wanna watch a movie on my laptop while i eat?" Lando asked, scooting to the side to make some room for Oscar, who rolled his eyes at the nickname and sat down, laying next to Lando.

And if Lando got butterflies in his stomach from the close proximity, he will pretend he didn't thank you very much.

About an hour later everything was finished and now the two of them were sitting in a comfortable silence.

Lando turned to look at Oscar, who did the same.

"When did you get here?" Lando asked.

"Well i got a call from Charlotte as soon as i was landing, so i asked if Mark could get my stuff to my hotel room, while i literally drove to the nearest store to buy you all of this" Oscar said waving his finger around the empty bowl and cup.

"You really didn't have to, but thank you Oscar" Lando smiled, gazing into the others eyes.

"Yeah well if i didn't no one else would've and i care for you too much, way too much" Oscar said, staring back at Lando, who was currently having a crisis in his head.

"Is it...actually nevermind" Lando said, turning his head to look anywhere but the aussie.

Suddenly Oscar's hands were on Lando's face, turning the others head so he would look back at him again.

"Is it what?" Oscar asked, there was a soft, fond expression in his eyes. So Lando said fuck it and leaned in, closing the gap.

Oscar's hands slid over Lando's shoulders into his hair, deepening the kiss, Lando's one hand was cupping Oscar's face, while the other was sliding down the aussies waist. Oscar opened his mouth, letting Lando's tongue invade, the taste of soup overflowing his senses.

They pulled away to breathe, smiling at each other.

"Thank you for taking care of me, i don't deserve you" Lando said, gazing into Oscar's beautiful brown eyes.

"Always and yes you do, it's just that you're an idiot and all of this was definitely avoidable if not for your stupid actions" Oscar laughed, rolling his eyes.

"But i wouldn't of kissed you if this didn't happen" Lando said.

"You could've kissed me anywhere, anytime" Oscar replied.

"Even on a podium?" Lando asked.

"Even on a podium" Oscar confirmed.

"Soon, hopefully this weekend" Lando muttered and leaned in again, the taste of Oscar's lips were addicting, he's glad he can do this now whenever he wants to. And he will do this 24/7 now thank you very much.

"Yeah, hopefully" Oscar smiled into the kiss.

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