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Every werewolf is born pack less...

Every werewolf must be chosen.


The fire crackled as rain dripped out from a wooden panel on the roof into a forgotten bucket. Chocolate coated the air while Yvette sat curled on her mother's lap, remnants of cookie crumbs on her fingers. They were content with the silence, enjoying each other's company. Yet, Yvette couldn't keep her mind from wondering. 

Yvette missed her father and brother and wasn't ready to watch her mother leave too. Her father got chosen to be a part of the Western Woods pack three years ago while her brother went to attend the all-male warrior academy. Her father, William, was a good doctor in their village, the Western Woods pack noticed that and chose him. Her brother, Liam, and his academic success spread like wildfire. He excelled as a warrior, making it into the top ranks and not long after graduation also got chosen to be a part of the Western Woods pack. 

Although it is rare, when half of the family gets chosen to join a pack, usually the whole family gets to join too as long as they have something to offer. That is why Yvette's mother, Maria, got chosen as well. Her mother is a great cook and is able to provide her skills to support the pack. As for Yvette, being the youngest in the family at only twelve years, she has nothing to offer. 

"Yvette?" a soft, raspy voice called out.

Snapping out of her thoughts, Yvette turned to look at her mother.

"What is it?" Yvette replied hesitantly. 

Her mother sighed and sat up straight, "You know I leave tomorrow, right?" 

Yvette nodded, not able to stop the tears from forming. "Why can't you stay with me until I get chosen? Why do you have to leave right now, it's not fair."

Yvette already knew the answer, she just couldn't comprehend it. If a wolf doesn't accept the pact that chose them, they risk not ever being a part of a pack at all. It is said that those who remain pack less end up losing all traces of humanity. Their wolf fully takes over and eventually dies due to solitude. 

It also doesn't help that most packs don't like outsiders. If you aren't chosen or at least picked for your skill to be assessed, you are considered an outsider. If an outsider tries to enter a packs territory without being chosen, they will be killed. Packs are very protective of each other.  

Her mother also had tears in her eyes, "I wish I could, but we both know that's not how things work in the current world we live in. We all have to prove ourselves; we may be a family, but we each are our own entity. You need to find your skill, what you can bring to the table for the pack. Once they see what you can offer, you will be with us again."

"What if I never have something to offer?" Yvette replied. 

Her mother smiled, "Nonsense, you will have plenty to offer when it's time. You will be taken care of here by the others in the meantime." 

Yvette struggled to breathe, tears coming down her face, "Do you promise I will see you again?"

"I promise and cross my heart, Yvette. You will see us again. The Western Woods pack will make their rounds again in a few years' time, you should have a skill by then and I am positive they will choose you," her mother answered. 

Getting up, Yvette's mother kissed her on the head and made her way to the kitchen. 

"Come share one more glass of milk and a cookie with me," she said. 

Yvette ran up to her mother, embraced her, and enjoyed the last meal with her mother. 


That was nine years ago...



*Quick Author's Note:

Alrighty, how'd I do? Does the prologue interest you? Do you want to read more?

I am writing this story with no clear plot lol, so we will see where it goes. 

Feel free to leave suggestions and tips to help me out. Thank you! 

Also, *any names of people and places are entirely made up and if they happen to match anything else outside of this story it is purely coincidental. *

Whirlwind :)

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