Chapter 3

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You may not have mastered a skill yet Yvette.

But trust me when I say, you are the only one I know

who has attempted to master many skills despite failure.

And that my dear child, proves just how resilient you are.

- Tim


I don't know how long it's been since I've been laying here, in the woods right outside of Moon View academy. At this point, I honestly don't care. After jumping from the cliff, the river sucked me under. Jagged rocks roughed me up pretty bad until I eventually reached calm enough water to pull myself out. I've been laying here ever since.

Bloody and sore beyond belief, I break down. Heavy sobs escape from me as I recall the images of my friends getting murdered. Guilt consumes me as I remember not doing anything to help. Tim, Mary, Carter, everyone, dead. I mourn them, my village, my lost family, and even the hair I cut off before jumping. My fear came true, just not in the way I thought it would. I am completely and utterly alone with no clear idea of what to do.

Howls startle me, making me sit up despite the pain. The river carried me far enough to put some distance between me and Kyrell thank goodness, but they can catch up at any moment. I hope they don't think to look near the academy since it's an all-male campus, but they are persistent, it wouldn't surprise me.

I can't help but look at the academy, am I really going to do this? I mean really, me? A female wolf with no skill and no knowledge of combat besides the basics that Carter showed me once; how the hell did I think I could waltz into an all-male warrior academy.

You didn't dumbass

I really wish my rational mind could keep up with what my body unconsciously does or says. It has gotten me into trouble before, this is no different.

My eyes snap out into the forest before me, the howls are getting closer, but they are still far enough to give me time. However, I know that if I stay here, they will find me. Yet, if I keep running, they will also find me.

Sighing, I realize the best option in terms of safety is to hide in the academy. At least safety from the Night Blood pack. My brother told me the academy is ferocious and strict. The instructors push you to your limit and shape you into a true warrior. He even told me that a few students have died due to the intensity. Meaning, I might die in the academy anyway. Gods, is this even worth it? Would it be better to die in the hands of the Night Blood Pack or the academy?

My mind replays the scene of Mary's neck getting ripped open by one of Kyrell's wolves, I shudder. The academy it is.

Who knows, if I don't die, I might actually learn how to properly fight! It might be a win-win situation for me. A place to stay safe and a place to grow strong.

I can't just walk into the academy though. I need a story and I need one quick. Not only that, I need to make myself look like a man.

For the first time in my life, I'm actually thankful for my small breasts. That's at least one thing I don't have to worry about. My breasts are more pronounced when I'm wearing a bra, but if I go without one, you can barely tell I have anything. Without a second thought, I take off my bra and throw it into the river, watching as the water takes it away.

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