Chapter 1

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Note: we are changing point of views to first person :)

Also - shout out to my first reader: DarK_Fairy96 thank you so much for reading and commenting! 







There's only eleven of us now, everyone else from the village has been chosen.

I watched patiently as each pack came through our village and assessed everyone. I was assessed multiple times but never made the cut, I was fine with that because I was waiting...

Even after nine years, I am still waiting for the Western Woods pack, my family, to come back for me. Although, I am beginning to think they wouldn't choose me either. My mother was wrong, I still don't have a skill yet. You'd think I would be good at something, but apparently not. Every pack that has visited our village quickly tossed me aside, claiming that I have no skill worthy of their time. 

I tried cooking like mother, and managed fine, but I am nowhere near her level. I won't even attempt to become a doctor like my father because I get nauseous at the sight of blood. I can't follow in my brother's footsteps because well, I'm not a man nor am I a warrior. I tried practicing other skills like singing and dancing. My singing is horrendous, but my dancing is good. A lot of the people in my village said my dancing is beautiful. Unfortunately, dancing isn't a skill valuable enough for a pack, instead it's considered a hobby, simply for entertainment. 

I even tried gardening, teaching, and night watch duty, but nothing stuck. I honestly don't know why. If I remain skill less that means I will never be chosen. Can a wolf be skill less?

I shake my head to clear my thoughts. All I ever do now is overthink and that helps nothing. To prevent myself from getting stuck in my thoughts again, I slip on my brown leather boots and head outside. 

"Good morning, Yvette!" a young girl named Mary states loudly. 

"Good morning, Mary. How are you?" 

Mary grins and bounces on her feet, "Oh, I am so happy! Did you hear another pack is visiting us in a couple of days?

I frown, "No, I didn't."

"Well, I am sure they will choose me! I finally mastered my skill." Mary states proudly. 

"Oh yeah? And what's that?" I smile, happy for her. 

"I'm a psychic!" She exclaims. 

My smile drops. "A psychic? Are you sure?"

Mary's face turns serious, her face going as red as her hair. "What? You don't believe me?"

"No, I do..." I try to explain, but I couldn't finish as it was a lie. I didn't believe her. 

Mary's lips twist, "Fine, I will prove it to you!"

I quickly step back, "No, you don't have to."

Before I could move back any further, Mary took my hand and held it with a surprisingly strong grip. 

"You were overthinking again this morning, weren't you?" She mutters. 

I stare down at her, "Yes, but everyone knows I do that."

She shoots me a glare, "You are worried that you are skill less. And you are right, you are, at least for right now."

I return her glare with one of my own, "This doesn't prove you are a psychic. You are just good at overly observing people."

Mary grows still, before I could ask her if she is alright, she yells, "But head my warning, one day you will be the solution to a long-lasting war between two packs!"

My eyes widen, I wasn't sure how to take that. I just stare at her dumbfounded. 

She smiles before erupting into a fit of giggles. "Oh, my goodness, Yvette! I'm just messing with you. I am not a psychic; I mastered my skill in night guard duty. Thanks for the good laugh though, I am going to miss you." 

I continue to glare at her, "That wasn't funny in the slightest. But night guard duty is a good skill, I am proud of you. I will miss you too." I said, growing soft at the girl before me. I watched her grow from a little girl to a young adult and yes, I will miss her. She has been a pain in my butt for many years, but I love her, and I wish nothing but the best for her. 

"Well, should we enjoy the last two days together then?" She asks.

I grin, "Of course!"


That night the remaining eleven villagers, including myself, threw a big bonfire. Apparently, the others are also pretty confident they will get chosen. The remaining villagers here with me are all younger than me except one. Tim, an older man is an excellent gardener. He has provided us great crops over the years. The only reason he hasn't been chosen is because each pack that visited us had more gardeners than they could count. To simply put it, they had no more room. That was another fear of mine. What if the Western Woods pack didn't come for me because they already have the pack member they need?  

Music caught my attention before I could go further into my thoughts. I am grateful for it. Tim was playing a guitar, and I couldn't help but smile. He is a sweet man, and I am grateful for him, he has helped me a lot over the past nine years. I hope he gets chosen; he deserves it. 

"Come dance with us Yvette!" Mary yells over the music. 

Releasing a laugh, I run over to Mary and the others and dance the night away. I tried my best to have fun, but I can't help but wonder if I will be the last one left in the village after this unknown pack visits us. If I will be alone. 



That's the end of chapter one! Short, I know. Like I said I don't know where I am going with this story yet. Literally, I have not outline or plot points, I am writing as I go. 

I hope that once I get a grasp on this story and get into the flow of things, chapters will come quicker and will be longer. 

Either way, I hope you enjoyed.

Thank you for reading! 


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