Chapter 4

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Special shout out to @Mally_Dove for being super kind and making me confident in my writing.

Also: the picture above is what Moon View Academy looks like :)



Are you strong enough to be a warrior?

Are you wise enough to know if you will survive?

The trials will determine that.

Here at Moon View Academy, you have three options

Fight, give up, or die trying.


"Name?" a middle-aged man with a permanent frown on his face asks. He was built just like all the other men here. I haven't seen one man yet that was similar in size to me, obviously since I'm a woman. But you'd think someone would have a smaller build, right?

"Vett." I say.

The middle-aged man looked at me. "You will address me as sir. I am an instructor here at this academy and expect to be treated as such."

I inhale before quickly replying with "Yes, sir!"

"I also need your last name." The man continues.

"Thompson, Sir." I manage to say, taking the last name of Mary. I wipe at my eyes to get rid of the oncoming tears.

The man nods. "I'm Instructor Raymond. Nice to meet you Vett."

"Thank you, sir, it's nice to meet you too." I offer a slight smile.

"How old are you?" Instructor Raymond starts again.

"21, sir."

He stops writing and looks up at me. What is with men and their looks?

"21 is a little old to be starting off as a first year here at the academy. I will have to put you in the group that matches your age. It's the way we do things around here." He says.

"Is that bad? Sir." I ask.

"It's not great. Although there are some students still at an intermediate level, they have all been here for several years now. You will be the only one in this group with little to no experience." He responds."

"Great." I whisper under my breath.

"What about family? Who can we contact in case of an emergency?"

I wince, this was a hard one to answer. The only story I could come up with that wouldn't reveal my identity is to say my family is dead.

"I don't have family sir. They all died when my village was raided." I finally reply.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

We sit in silence for a few minutes until he stands up and produces a set of keys.

"That is all I need from you at this current moment. Instructor Warren already informed me of the rest. Good luck out there, you're going to need it."

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