Chapter 6

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I wake up long before my alarm goes off and spend what feels like hours staring at the ceiling. After yesterday's events, I am still sore and not motivated to do anything. I turn my head slightly to see my roommate still fast asleep, his tan chest on display as he snores softly. He hasn't said a word to me yet which I find more intimidating than Warren and his countless taunts. I want to know what he is thinking. I know he dislikes me like all the others, but something is different about him, I just don't know what it is. 

I nearly jump out of my skin when both of our alarm clocks sound at the same time. I guess it's time for another day, hopefully I won't get another beating and instead actually learn something. I watch as my roommate crawls out of bed with a groan. He drags a hand through his dark curls before wrinkling his nose in disgust while looking at me. 

"Dude, you stink" he says as he walks towards the bathroom, grabbing a towel and throwing it at me. I catch it right as the door to our dorm room opens. 

"Silas?" the man that looks like Miles asks as he pokes his head around the door. "You up?"

My roommate, I now know as Silas instantly perks up at hearing the man's voice. He puts on his uniform faster than I can even comprehend and greets the man at the door. 

"Yes. What are you doing here? We usually meet in the cafeteria" Silas whispers while looking back at me. The man at the door shrugs and sneakily runs his fingers along Silas's hand. 

"I thought we could maybe take a quick stroll together before breakfast" he smiles. I am getting the vibe that they may be more than friends; they look cute together. Silas is the dark and mysterious type while the male in front of him is light and bubbly. I chuckle to myself before noticing them looking at me. 

"I forgot he was your roommate" the man says no longer bubbly. Silas huffs while walking into the bathroom. The man stares at me for a long time that I start fidgeting out of nerves. So, I say the first thing that pops into my head. 

"So, are you two together?" I mentally smack myself, I really had to ask that. I watch as the man narrows his eyes at me and brace myself for whatever he is about to say. 

"Not that it's any of your business, but yes" he answers surprisingly, continuing to look at me. This man and Silas seem to be friendlier towards me over Miles and Warren which I find interesting. Silas comes out of the bathroom and pins me with a glare. Scratch that. 

"Do you have a problem with us being together?" Silas questions, arms crossing defensively. I shake my head and put up my hands. 

"No, not at all. I was just curious. You both look good together" I state, hoping this conversation doesn't take a turn for the worse. Silas and the man share a look, I wish I could understand what they are thinking about. 

The man cocks his head with a little smirk, "Do you swing the same way?" 

My eyes widen in utter shock as I wasn't expecting the conversation to turn this way. What do I say to that? I mean I like men, but I am currently disguised as a man. "" I say but it ends up sounding more like a question. 

Silas and the man look at me, like they know something I don't, "uh huh."

Before I can correct myself, Silas grabs his jacket and puts his arm around the man. "Come on Kai, I don't want to stay and chat with this guy any longer than we have to" he says while directing him towards the door. Silas ushers Kai out and before he closes it, he looks back at me. 

"Do everyone a favor and take a shower, being sore doesn't give you an excuse to skip out on proper hygiene," with that he slams the door and leaves me in total darkness. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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