Chapter 2

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"You're going to shake the moon, Yvette!

You will shake the moon with your howl one day.

I know it!"

- From Liam

I woke abruptly to Mary knocking the air out of me as she lands right on my stomach. She looks excited. 

"Did you have to jump on me?" I ask, trying to go back to sleep. 

Mary grabs a hold of my leg and pulls me out of the bed, making me land on the floor with a thump. 

"Yes, I did, it was the only way to wake you up!" She whispers happily. 

I look at her, my dark blonde hair sticking to my mouth. "Any why did you have to wake me up?"

Mary giggles, "The pack arrived early!"

I quickly become alert, "You mean they're here already?"

"Yes! They are waiting for us, let's go." Mary said as she drags me out of the house without my shoes. A part of me hopes that it would be Western Woods, but I knew in my heart it wouldn't be.

Mary drags me until I come face to face with about twenty wolves. This was new. Usually, when a pack comes to assess us, they would appear in their human forms. 

Suddenly a big man walks into my line of sight. He has a scar going across his face from his left eye to the end of his mouth on the right side. It makes him look even more vicious than he already is. He looks at other villagers before zeroing in on me. A wicked grin engulfs his face. 

"Only eleven of you I see. Well, this will be easy for us then." The man says. 

The way his voice sounds makes me shiver. This interaction seems different to me somehow, but I can't figure out why. 

"I will begin the assessments now." He states, moving towards Tim. 

I smile at Tim and give him a thumbs up! He smiles in return. The man stops in front of Tim and stares at him longer than normal. Tim begins to shift, not knowing what to do. Soon, the man makes his way to the next, and the next, until he stops at Mary. 

"A night guard you say?" He smirks. 

Mary straightens her back proudly, "Yes, sir!" 

The man nods and finally turns to face me. I brace myself for what I have heard many times before. 

The man stares at me, his icy blue eyes traveling the length of my body. I can't help but look at him too. He is older, around my father's age. His hair is streaked with gray and the scar across his face does nothing to hide his scowl. 

"You don't possess a skill." 

I look in his eyes, "I am aware, Sir." I mutter. 

He laughs, a very manic sounding laugh. I look over to Mary to see that she is just as confused as I am. 

"Boys, this will be way easier than I thought." The man says as the wolves behind him howl. 

Catch Me If You Can: A Werewolf StoryWhere stories live. Discover now