Chapter 5

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It takes more than just strength to be a warrior. 

- Unknown


My face connects with the black mat again as I get thrown over a shoulder and slammed to the ground for the tenth time in the past half hour. Before this I had a few general classes like warrior history and survival techniques. I found both to be very interesting and remembered some things from what my brother shared with me all those years ago. The day was going well, and I was starting to think I was scared for nothing after hearing Warren's speech, but that changed very quickly when I found out battle training was my next class. 

After being directed outside to the training grounds, I found out that Warren was the fighting instructor. Just my luck. Apparently, he is the strongest fighter throughout the whole academy which shouldn't surprise me. Of course, the man who hates me and who wants to show me exactly 'who they are' would be the fighting and battle instructor. 

I didn't even get to catch my breath before Warren told me to step onto the black training mat in the middle of the big field, we were currently all standing in. 

Before I knew it, Warren had everyone make an example out of me. There was no learning of useful combat techniques, no moves, nothing. He simply ordered the twenty other men in my age group to fight me. 

He claimed it was to see 'what level I'm at.' Even though I highly doubt it was just that. 

As of right now, there are still ten more men to go, and I am already badly beaten and bruised. I spit out blood and almost faint at the sight of it as I get up, wincing with every move. 

"You give up yet?" Warren taunts. 

"I thought you wanted me to join the academy?" I ask in confusion. Why did he want me to join just for me to give up and leave? 

"I did, so we can teach you a lesson. Now, that we have, I want you to leave." He states. 

I spit out more blood and wipe my mouth, taken aback. 

"What?" I ask, furious. I've never been this badly beaten and bruised in my life! So far, the wounds I have received in the past half hour are worse than what Kyrell and that brown wolf gave me, which are still healing by the way. And now they want me to leave? 

"You're a disgrace. What makes you think you could be a warrior after running away while your village and your family are all getting slaughtered?" He sneers. 

I don't know what to say, even though my actual family didn't die in the raid, I have no idea if they are even alive, I mean it's been nine years without any word from them. The thought leaves me feeling numb. Despite what Warren says I know I'm not leaving. Not when Kyrell and his pack are still out there. If that makes me a coward, then so be it. I don't want to leave until I can at least defend myself better. He killed my friends so easily; I want him to get a taste of his own medicine, but I can't do that by myself.  

"I'm not leaving." I growl, glaring at Warren. 

"We will see about that. Miles, you're next." Warren says, keeping his glare on me. 

I sway on my feet as I watch Miles walk onto the mat. He's wearing the black tank top that came with our uniforms allowing me to see his muscles. He's bigger than the last ten I fought, if you can even call it that. It was more like the other ten I let toss me around like a ragdoll. 

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