The Feud Begins

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Colette's POV: Last evening Shay had taken Avia to the hospital because she was having really bad leg pain, I would have gone to if we weren't having Emmi's birthday party. It's not a bad thing it's just that I wish I could have been there for her, when she was in pain but I knew Shay was taking really good care of her. As far as how the kids took it Gavin was a little annoyed we wouldn't let him go with her but he knew we were trying to keep the evening as normal as possible for Emmi, Emmi was annoyed that Shay wasn't there to see her open her gifts and sing happy birthday. She's still annoyed right now and its breakfast a day later, as far as Brock and Daxton go they didn't really understand they just know that we are going to go see her soon. Shay kept me post through the night by calling or texting or sending me videos, I had sent him videos to show Avia of the party especially the gift she got for Emmi. She got Emmi a bunch of Taylor Swift stuff with some money that she earned doing some chores and Emmi loved it but was also annoyed at Avia for having to go the hospital, so this is going to be an interesting experience I thought. I woke the kids up this morning at 8 got them ready and fed them breakfast so that way we could leave the house at 9 and be at the hospital by 9:30, I wanted to get there as soon as possible because I wanted to see how Avia was doing. The kids finished up breakfast and were watching TV while I was packing some stuff to keep them occupied while we were at the hospital today because I figured that we would be there all day. At 9 I rounded up the kids and got them to the car and we took off to the hospital, we got there about a half hour later. I parked in a spot by the entrance to the children's section of the hospital, I helped Brock and Daxton out of the car as Emmi got out from the back and Gavin got out the passenger door holding Daxton. We walked inside and checked with the receptionist to see where Avia was, we found out that she was in a surgical post op room because she needed to be monitored overnight and hadn't been moved yet. We walked over to the elevator when we got in Brock asked me if I could hit the button, I told him that he could. It was interesting how something like pushing a button can make a child so happy. I pulled out my vlog camera and began talking to the viewers as we walked down the hallway toward Avia's room, I was talking quietly as I opened the door to see Shay in bed with Avia. Her head was resting on his chest, they must have fallen asleep like that because Shay wasn't covered by any blanket and he still had his hat on. Isn't this the most adorable thing ever I said pointing the vlog camera at them, Shay began to wake up when he heard me talking. Hey babe he said getting out of bed and kissing me on the check, how is she I asked him. Tired, sore and upset Shay said, he explained what happened when he told her and how she thought she ruined Emmi's birthday yesterday. That's when Emmi chimed in and said that she did ruin her birthday because the one day all the attention was supposed to be on her Avia ended up taking it away, I explained to Emmi that Avia wanted none of this to happen and that she was probably holding in a little of pain yesterday to make sure you got all the attention cause it was your birthday. Whatever Emmi huffed going to sit in a chair by the window, Daddy Avia said waking up. What is it sweetie he said going to sit in a chair next to her bed, do you know if I get to go home today I don't know but I'll talk to your doctor he said kissing her head. Mom and the kids are he said moving to show Gavin who was sitting on the floor playing with Brock and Daxton, he was such a good big brother. Hi Avia said using her hands to push herself up so that way she was sitting up, hi baby I said going over and hugging her. She hugged me back and began to cry, aww what's wrong I said rubbing her back. Why me she cried into my chest why can't I be like a normal nine year she said crying hard. I knew this had been whole thing had been hard on but I didn't know it was effecting her this badly, I hugged her and let her cry out all the pain she endured the past few weeks. I continued to rub her back and told her that everything would be okay and that we would be able to get through it, once she calmed down she asked Emmi if she liked the birthday gift she got her. It's alright she replied back angrily, what did I screw up which CD you wanted I thought you wanted the newest one Avia replied. No the Taylor Swift stuff was fine it's you Emmi spit back, me Avia replied curiously. Yeah you, you ruined my entire birthday party because you couldn't suck up your stupid leg pain, Emmi, Avia said on the verge of tears. I tried really hard but it got to the point where I couldn't move it so I had to tell mom and dad, I really wanted to make sure all the attention stayed on you I can't really control what happens to my body. Ohh well you failed at your simple task because once you left everybody was worried about you and forgot about me Emmi said her voice getting louder, for the first time since we arrived Emmi got out of her chair and began to walk toward Avia's bed. Look Emmi I'm sorry Avia said I really didn't mean it I mean it was so bad, I had to go through five hours of surgery. I don't care how many hours of surgery or sleeping while the doctors fixed you, you went through Emmi said getting closer to the bed clenching her fists. Look I'm sure we can do a redo birthday party right mom and dad and I promise if I'm in any pain I'll hold it in so that way it'll be your day. That isn't good enough Emmi said swinging her arm back and punching Avia squared in the nose, oww Avia shirked clutching her nose as blood began to drip out. Emmi, Shay and I shirked that felt good Emmi said going and sitting back in her chair. Come with Shay said gesturing Emmi out in the hall, I'm good Emmi said sitting down. That wasn't a question Shay said as he walked over and picked Emmi up out of the chair, I knew that he was mad but he was always good about talking to the kids in a way where they didn't feel attacked or anything it was just a conversation about what they did wrong and how to fix it. As for me I grabbed Avia some tissues and told Gavin to go and see if he could find a nurse to check out Avia's nose, she was still crying in pain when the nurse came in to see her. She asked me to remove the tissues so that way she could look at Avia's nose, looks like its broken the nurse said gesturing to Avia's crocked nose. When can easily fix that up, the nurse left to get the stuff she needed as I continued to apply pressure to Avia's nose because it was still bleeding. The nurse came back a few minutes later with a this gun looking thing to help stop the bleeding and a little white strip thing that would help bring her nose back into place. I held her hand as the nurse took the gun to Avia's nose and got the bleeding to stop, she then placed the white strip thing over Avia's nose and told Avia that in about a week or two she would be able to get it off. Avia settled back into bed and apologized for what just happened, I told her that it wasn't her fault and that there was nothing she could have done to prevent it. A few minutes later Shay came back in with Emmi and said that he hadn't punished her yet because he wanted to talk to me about a punishment that seemed fit for the situation, I told him that we would talk about it when we got home. As the day went on Avia was moved out of the post op room and into a regular room, from then doctors and nurses came in and out to check on her and she learned how to correctly and safety use the wheelchair that she'd be using for the next few months. At around 5 her primary oncologist came in and said that she was being released today and that we could take her home, he also said that she would have to come in separately from chemo next week to see how her legs were doing. We signed some discharged forms before helping Avia into the wheelchair, well really Shay carried her and I called up some family members telling them that we were going out to eat to celebrate Avia's being released from the hospital. I gathered up our belongings made sure we had all the kids before heading out the door to the car, even though Avia had just gotten her wheelchair today she had pretty good control of it so we let her wheel herself out knowing that it would now become a common thing for her. Shay took Gavin, Avia and Brock in his truck while I took Emmi and Daxton in the van, I wanted to talk to Emmi about her little outburst. So I said to Emmi what caused you get annoyed at Avia before, it was just seeing her sitting there and knowing that she was spoiled and was going to get all the attention and just ugg I wanted to punch her so I did she replied back coldly. Emmi, Avia's not stuck up and spoiled and you know it. You know about all the stuff she has to go through you told me once you even felt bad for her. Well I don't feel that way anymore she snapped back slouching in her seat, I knew this conversation was going to go nowhere fast so I decided to turn on the music to alleviate some of the awkwardness. When we got to the restraint I saw Shay at his truck helping Avia out of the car and into her wheelchair as Gavin helped Brock, they were so cute I thought as I walked over toward them with Daxton and Emmi. When we got over toward them I watched Avia roll away from Emmi and toward Gavin, I knew she was using him for protection after what happened between the two of them early. It was sad to see that my one daughter was afraid of the other one, I sighed and said lets go inside and get a table. We went inside and I asked for a table for 18 people at the host stand, the host corrected me and said seventeen. No 18 I said back knowing he was referring to Avia who was in a wheelchair, just because my daughter is in a wheelchair doesn't mean she doesn't get a seat at the table like everybody else Shay said back. It's a waste the host I mean she's already sitting and it's a Saturday night we get really busy and could save that eat for an able bodied normal customer, hey I'm normal Avia said looking up from Shay's phone that she was playing on. I would like to speak to your manager I said on the verge of tears I didn't understand how could somebody be so mean to my little girl who was in a wheelchair. What seems to the problem the manager said walking up from the back of the restaurant, your host is refusing to give my daughter a seat at the table because she's in a wheelchair and he wants to save it and I quote for an able bodied normal person. Is this true Curtis the women asked facing the teenage boy, he snickered and said of course it's not true they just want something for free. Its true and you know it Avia said wheeling herself up from the back, I began recording once I heard you correct my parents to 17 because I figured you'd try to save a seat because I'm in a wheelchair, you can listen to it if you like and you'll clearly see its him Avia said holding up the phone. The manager listened to it and said Curtis we'll talk about this later, she turned to us and apologized for his behavior and told us that the meal for our family (the 5 of them) was on the house because he was being so disrespectful. I thanked her and she said that it was no problem, she couldn't stand when people were disrespectful to those who were different. She asked me why Avia was in a wheelchair, this launched the long winded explanation of Avia her cancer and what had happened thus far. She looked back at Avia who smiling and laughing while talking with Brock about something, she turned back to me and said you're doing a good job and don't let anybody tell you differently. I teared up and thanked her and told her it meant a lot to hear that with all that been going on in our lives, she lead us back to the table so that way we could enjoy our meal. Everybody had a good time that night, we laughed and talked and celebrated that Avia was okay even though she was in a wheelchair and would have to learn to walk again. We finished up around 10 and everyone headed home, when we got home I put the younger ones to bed and went into to Gavin's room to say goodnight to him. I then walked into the family room where Avia was sleeping on an air mattress because she couldn't go up and down stairs, I walked over and I gave her a hug and a kiss and told her that I was glad that she was okay. She hugged me back and said she was glad that she was alright too, I then got myself set up on the couch because I was also going to sleep in the family room that night to make sure Avia was okay.

AN: WOW super dramatic chapter for some reason today. Thank you for those of you who I have talked to about my book it means a lot especially cause I thought this book sucked and the worlds most obscure plot line but apparently not. So thank you once again and stay tuned to see what happens between Avia, Emmi and one other person over Avia's cancer and the ways shes treated. Thanks for reading adios. 

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