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Braille's POV: 

Today was the day Emmi and I were finally going to beat Avia up for having cancer. We had planning this for about a month now, well I planned it all and convinced Emmi to join me. She agreed but it is still worried about getting in trouble and seriously hurting Avia. She'll get over it once we start beating Avia up and she realizes that Avia deserves the pain. We are doing it the day before we leave for Thanksgiving Break because we figured we'd get in less trouble because it is right before the holiday season and they'd go easy on us. That morning went as a normal morning would. I woke up, ate breakfast and headed out to school pretending that everything would be normal. We walked over to Uncle Shay and Aunt Colette's house to pick up their kids and walk down to the bus stop, Emmi came out first and meet up with me. We picked up our pace and walked ahead of Gage, Gavin and Avia so that way we could discuss our plan. The morning at school went as normal, Emmi and I went to our respective classes and meet up at lunch to watch Avia because after lunch everybody had recess and we needed to watch Avia so that way we could get her alone. She wasn't popular but she had decent number, my guess was that they were a lot of charity case friendships, cause lets be real who would want to be friends with her. We watched her sit down with a group of girls and take out her lunch, she had a sandwich, a snack and a bottle of soda. That's odd were not allowed to have soda in school, I decided to tell the lunch aid to see if I could get her in trouble. "Excuse me" I said to the lunch aid sweetly, trying to seem like a concerned student "but why does that girl over there have a soda I thought sodas weren't allowed in school." I asked keeping up the sweet act. "That girl over there, her name is Avia and she has cancer and she has to take really yucky medicine with lunch so the school allows her to drink soda so that way she doesn't get sick" she told me. I realized that I couldn't get Avia in trouble at lunch so I went back to the recess plan, I went back to the table I was sitting at with Emmi and finished up lunch eagerly awaiting recess knowing what was to come. One of the teachers came up and spoke of the microphone saying to line up with our classes and that we would be going outside once everybody was lined up. I got up and threw my lunch in the garbage can before getting up and finding my teacher, I walked up and ended up standing behind Avia. Ohh how I wanted to beat her up right then and there, but I refrained knowing I could potentially get off the hook doing it outside cause I can just say that she tripped over her crutches or something stupid like that. Once we got outside I zipped my jacket and ran over to the playground where I was to meet Emmi, I waited for a few minutes because we were released from the cafeteria by grade 5th first then so on and Emmi was in first grade which meant that she would be released last. Soon enough I saw Emmi's bright pink jacket exit the doors and out into the court yard, I watched her running with the pack of kids her age until she reached the playground and walked up to me. "You ready" I asked her, she sighed and said ready as I'll ever be. We walked over the swings where Avia was sitting alone, swinging was one of the few physical things Avia could do because of her legs. "Hey can we talk to you alone, we need to apologize for how bad we've been treating you these past few months, and we just don't to do it in front of everyone" I asked trying to make myself seem sincere. "Yeah sure just give me a second" she said back to us stopping herself on the swing and putting her crutches on that we were leaning against the pole of the swings. She got up and slowly began walking behind us, I found myself getting annoyed at her because she was walking so slow. But I kept my cool, reminding myself that if I lost it she wouldn't follow us and we couldn't beat her up. Slowly we reached the side of the school out of the teacher's sight, there some boys playing soccer a little while over but I'm sure they won't think anything of it. Once we were standing over there Avia was talking about how cloud she was that we had come full circle since July and that she was happy that we were all going to be friends again. She continued to ramble until I gave a swift kick to her ankle knocking her off her feet causing her to fall to the ground, she landed on her arm which caused her to clutch it in pain. I kicked her in the back of the head to try and shut her up for a few minutes, I continued to kick and punch her while Emmi yelled out the feelings that she had bottled inside for months. Avia hadn't said anything because when I kicked her head I think I knocked her out. We were about to get called inside when Gavin came running over and stopped us, he bent down and looked at Avia before yelling at Emmi and about why we shouldn't have done this and that she goes through enough pain already. It didn't faze me though, although Emmi broke down on the other hand and started having like an anxiety attack or something. Gavin ignored it and picked Avia up and started walking toward the school building to bring her to the nurse, Emmi followed suit talking to Gavin about something. I removed myself from the scene and want back to the playground figuring I'd try to preserve my innocence for as long as possible. Recess seemed to end as quickly as it began and soon we were called inside to go back to class, I headed back with my class and I had just gotten settled in when I was called down to the office. I figured that Gavin had told the principle when he brought Avia to the nurse, I got up out of my seat and began the long walk down to the main office. Upon arriving in the office I sat down in a chair in the waiting room and tried to listen to the conversation going inside the office trying to gage how bad punishment would be. A few minutes later Uncle Shay walked out with Emmi, he was holding her hand and didn't seem annoyed at her. I wondered if Emmi had lied to him to get him to go easy on her. Emmi looked shaken up, she had a cold towel wrapped around her neck and her face was tear stained and she was breathing rapidly. The principle stuck his head out of the office and called me in, I got up out of my seat and walked in taking a seat next to my dad who was already here and he looked annoyed. The principle started talking about he hoped that I should be sorry for hurting Avia and that I should think about what I had done and how it was wrong. He then continued saying that I would have lunch detention for a month and couldn't go outside for recess for that amount of time too. He sent me home for the rest of the day to think about what'd done, I went back to the classroom to gather my things. The teacher asked why I was leaving I told her it was family business, luckily when you say it's family business and you have a family member that had cancer no one questions you. I packed up my backpack and headed up to the lobby where my dad was waiting for me, we walked out to the car it was awkward because neither of us said anything. I threw my backpack in the truck and climbed into the front with my dad, once I got in he launched into one of his lectures on how he raised me to respect others and how I should be ashamed that I would willingly beat up someone who was sick. Once he finished lecturing me he told me that we were going to see Avia in the hospital because he thought if maybe I saw what I did to her that I would somehow feel bad for her. As if I had seen her go through countless treatments and I felt no sympathy toward her. We parked in a spot and walked inside checking with the receptionist to see where Avia was, it turned out that she was still in the emergency section of the hospital. My dad sighed and looked at me before motioning for me to follow him, I walked slowly behind him taking in the surroundings. I realized something throughout all of the time Avia had been sick I had never once visited her in the hospital, I mean I had seen the vlogs and I had seen her at home after her treatments but it was different it was almost like I was living apart of her life. My dad lead us to the room, he opened the door and walked in I followed holding my breath not sure what I was going to see. I walked in and saw Avia's body laying lifeless in a bed she was hooked up to a few different machines, her arm was in a sling and her ankle was bandaged up and was asleep from a surgery she had to have to repair her port because I damaged it when I kicked her in the chest. I saw that one of the IVs in arm was hooked up to a bag that I presumed to be filled with blood, cause she was bleeding a lot when Emmi and I finished beating her up. I looked around from behind my dad, Aunt Colette was sitting in a chair next to Avia's bed you could tell that she had been crying because her eyes were red and her face was wet. She held Avia's hand in hers stroking it lightly fearing that she exerted any more pressure she would hurt Avia even more. Uncle Shay was signing some forms and talking to a doctor about Avia's condition, Gavin was sitting in a chair next to Aunt Colette he head his in his hands he looked upset almost like he had done something wrong even though he had actually saved Avia. Emmi looked the worst of all she was sitting next to Avia in bed and she had her thumb in her mouth sucking her thumb as comfort mechanism you could tell that she was visibly upset about what we had done and would take a long time to get over it. A few minutes later Avia's sedation began to ware off and she woke up. "Mommy, Daddy" she said her voice coming out weak and tired. Aunt Colette got up out of her chair and gave Avia a hug before letting her know what happened, Uncle Shay walked over and also gave her a hug before sitting back down in a chair on the other side of her bed. She turned to her left and looked at Emmi, you'd think Avia would look frightened of Emmi, but she must have sensed something with her because she held Emmi's hand in hers the two of them talking quiet enough so that I couldn't hear. They talked for a few minutes before Emmi broke down into tears crying into Avia's chest, Avia wrapped Emmi in a hug and tried to comfort her. . Aunt Colette and Uncle Shay didn't know I was here because they were talking to my dad about what they were going to do with me and if they could help out. "Why is everyone saying my fault, it's not like I'm the reason she has cancer" I said sassily. "You don't get it do you" Avia said annoyed sitting up in bed. "Get what" I replied smirking, glad I riled her up. "I have cancer" she spat back at me, "not my problem" I snarked back walking out from behind my dad. "I'M SICK" she yelled tears now streaming down her face, "like I said not my problem" I replied back holding my hands in front of me. "HOW IS THIS A GAME TO YOU" she said yelling louder "I'M SICK, I HAVE CANCER, I COULD DIE ANY DAY BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW HOW LONG MY BODY CAN HOLD ON FOR" she yelled crying harder. Her words did nothing to me I wanted her dead so I could have all the attention in the family so I told her "Ohh well, to bad so sad. You're better off dead". "GET OUT SHE YELLED" hugging Emmi and crying harder. So I left.

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