A Day We'll Never Forget

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Avia's POV: 

Today is the final day of Playlist Live, which means we're going home today. After we go swimming and stuff. I'm probably not going to go swimming I just feel off today for some reason. I was sitting on the couch waiting with Gavin waiting for Mom to come out with the younger three so we could head down to the pool, when I started to lose consciousness. The last thing I remember before blacking out was saying 

"Daddy help me!" 

Shay's POV: 

"Daddy" Avia said in a weak voice

Her weak voice concerned me, I whipped my head out of the fridge and as if in slow motion watch Avia limply fall on to the ground and start to shake. She was having a seizure. 

"AVIA!" I yelled rushing to side. I put a pillow under her head so that way the person dosen't hurt their head. 

"Dad, what's going on? I'm scared!" Gavin asked, he sounded absolutely petrified. 

"Your sister's having a seizure. Go into my room and get your mom and make sure none of the kids come out. I can't deal with them right now." I said looking back down at Avia 

"Shay? What's going on? Gavin sent me in here saying something was wrong with Avia!" Colette asked rushing in. 

"She's having a seizure. It just started. I hope it ends soon, so that way I can take her to the hospital." I said

"Do you think she's it's happening. I mean the doctor said that if it ever happens to her we should try to talk to her and calm her down." Colette said kneeling beside me

"Alright let's try it. Hey Avs, it's okay your gonna be okay. Just relax calm down." I said rubbing her should her to let her know I was there, tears rolling down my face. 

"It's okay baby. Mommy and Daddy are right here." Colette said her voice cracking, she was starting to cry too. 

Soon enough she began to stop seizing and her breathing began normal again. 

"Alright I'm gonna take her to the hospital. Let the front desk know that we're probably staying a few extra days and see when the next available flight is for us to go back to Idaho. I'll keep you guys posted with updates. I love you." I said kissing Colette on the cheek. 

I picked Avia up off the ground with a blanket and a pillow and ran down to the parking garage, a few days ago I had taken the Uber to the airport so that way we could rent a car because I realized that we were going out too much to constantly be calling an Uber. I placed her in the back seat of the car and began speeding off to the hospital, constantly looking over my shoulder to make sure it didn't happen again. 

Finally we arrived at the hospital and I swerved into a parking spot near the front entrance of the Emergency Room. I grabbed a somewhat conscious Avia out of the back of the car and ran inside. 

"Excuse me!" I said rushing up to the admissions desk. "My daughter is a cancer patient and she just had a seizure how soon will a doctor see her.?" I asked frightened

"We are very busy today, but due to your circumstances I'll make sure she gets seen as soon as possible. Now if you could please just fill out these forms, then we can get her all checked in. I promise everything will be okay sir." The women said handing me a clip board. 

I returned to the waiting area and found two open seats next to each other, I stood and pushed the chairs together and laid Avia down to rest. I stood answering the pages of questions and anxiously waited for Avia's name to be called. About 20 minutes after I'd gotten Avia checked in a nurse came back and told me that they could take Avia back for the testing, but there wasn't an open room yet and they didn't want to place her in a room with somebody else because they feared that she would get sick so they told me that they would bring her back out here when they were done. I nodded quickly and took a seat. 

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