Playlist Live Day 2

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Avia's POV: 

Ugg having chemo at a hotel is so not fun and I do not want to do it again. Being at home is so much better, there's more space, it's more comfortable and I don't have to feel bad because in a house everybody is more spread out. But where all cramped in this hotel room and it's not exactly fun to be sitting on the couch throwing up with a pounding headache and having your siblings running around like insanos because their high off sugar. I mean I love em to death but, boy did I want to duct tape their mouths shut and sedate them last night so that way I could get some rest. But on the plus side I woke up feeling much better this morning, and I'm so excited because we get to film a video for Disney today. That means we get to be in the park before any crowds are there so that way we can film. Although we did have to wake up early which kind of sucked. 

We were running late like always, Gavin and I were ready, Emmi was running around eating and finishing getting ready, Brock had on some pants but no shirt, and mom was off somewhere with Daxton.  Gavin and I were sitting on the couch laughing at the whole ordeal because this always happened to our family and it was quite amusing. Fifteen minutes later we finally were completely together and we walked down to the car that Disney had sent for us. On the way over dad vlogged getting everybody's reactions for the vlogs and also for the Show Your Disney Video because they were going to be taking some of Dad's vlogging footage along with what they were shooting. 

When we got to the park a manager type person briefed us on what we would be filming that day and what would be happening. She then lead us into the park, we didn't have to scan our magicbands because Disney knew were there and we were filming for them. 

"Excuse me, sweetie. Would you like a wheelchair?" the women asked me as we passed the line of wheelchairs and strollers that the park provided. 

"No thank you I can get around perfectly fine on my crutches." I replied back. I hated being dependent on people and feeling like I was incapable. And being in a wheelchair made me feel like all eyes were on me, I mean already had wear a mask and always had a hat on. I mean why add fuel to the fire. 

"Are you sure Avs, I mean it's a lot of walking around?" my dad asked 

"Dad I ski, I walk home for the bus stop when I go to school. I'll be fine." I replied walking forward

"Well okay, then I don't want to hear it when your legs are tired?" He snapped

"Shay, she wants to be independent let her be and I'm sure if it's really bothering her when can come back to the front and get her one." Mom said sternly 

"Whatever." My dad mumbled following the manager lady into the park

Why did he snap at me? He's never snapped at me like that before. I mean he's always been supportive of me trying to be independent while on my crutches. He said that it should that I was doing well and that I was getting stronger. I hobbled along behind, keeping pace with my family. Dad had his camera out and was vlogging. I don't get how he could go from being annoyed to this happy joyous person. Whatever I thought, pushing the conversation out of my mind deciding to try and enjoy the rest of the day. 

The first place the manager took us was to Fantasyland where Emmi and I were going to meet Elsa and Anna. Emmi was really excited. I on other hand was still half asleep unable to fully process what was going on. Before we went in the producers miced all of us so that way we could be heard even if weren't close to the camera. When we walked in it hit me in full force and I got more excited. When we got into the room we hugged them and made small conversation with them will Dad and the film crew did their thing, taking video and pictures. We talked about the usual, like how I was like Elsa because I was the oldest and more responsible. And how Emmi was like Anna because she was younger and was really free spirited and like to have a good time. On the way out the women playing Elsa asked about why I had a hat on inside and so early in the morning.

"Ohh, uhh. Just a personal preference, I put it on when we were leaving the hotel this morning and I guess I just never took it off." I said rushing out of the room, I hated having to tell other people I had cancer because then all they did was pity me and I hated being pitied. 

"You okay?" Dad asked when he saw me rush out of the room. 

"Yeah, fine just making sure I kept up with everybody." I replied

"You sure Avs, you look kind of startled." He said 

"I'm fine!" I snapped back

"Alright I'm here if you ever want to talk about it." he said walking forward. 

Next stop was Frontierland, where we gonna ride Big Thunder Mountain RailRoad. I was so excited because I loved roller coasters. Our first major point of concern was if Brock would be tall enough the go on the ride. Luckily he just made so Mom left Daxton with Cecily and the rest of us load up on to the ride. Once we were situated on the ride the camera crew attached some gopros to all the rows that we were sitting in so that way the could film our reactions without having to be on the ride with all their camera equipment.  

For the rest of the morning we rode rides even when there were people in the parks we needed to get all of the Magic Kingdom filming done today because tomorrow we would be filming at Hollywood Studios. A lot of people were asking us for pictures while we were in transit from one activity to another. Finally it was lunch time and we got to sit in the air conditioning and take a break. We were in eating a Buzz Lightyear themed restaurant upon request from Brock. I honestly could care less, as long as there were chairs and air conditioning I was happy. We sat down at a table and Mom and Cecily went up to get us food while Dad sat with us making sure we didn't kill each other, or disrupt the entire restaurant. A few minutes later Mom and Cecily came back with the food, they had gotten me chicken fingers and a soda. Then dad pulled the dreaded pills out of his bag because I had to take them with lunch. I don't care how long it's been since July those things are disgusting and it makes me feel all yucky. But I did as had done for months and got it over with as quickly as possible. 

After lunch we rode some more rides like It's A Small World and Seven Dwarfs Mine Train before heading out for the day because we were all tired. We all loaded up into the car and I feel asleep leaning on my dad. 

Shay's POV: 

I'm so so proud of Avia for walking around the entire park on her crutches, I mean that was a lot of walking and she didn't even complain once. I hope she still isn't mad at me for this morning, it's just that I worry about her health and I'm afraid that something bad is going to happen to her. And if she's in a wheelchair that means I have more control over her, I can protect her better. I mean already let her get hit by a car in the hospital parking lot a month ago, I'm not letting anything else happen to my little princess. When we got to the hotel I helped Colette put Daxton in the stroller before going back to the car and picking up a sleeping Avia. Surprisingly she was the only kid that fell asleep, although I guess she did have a long night because she was throwing up and on chemo. 

 "Daddy?" Avia asked sleepily 

"Yeah?" I asked rubbing her back and fixing her hat

"Remember how I was upset earlier today after meeting Anna and Elsa. Well I was upset because the women who was playing Elsa asked me why I had a hat on inside and so early in the morning and it made me really uncomfortable." she said a few tears escaping her eyes

"Sweetie, it's okay that you felt uncomfortable. We all know that those types of questions make you uncomfortable, but not everybody does. But I'm sorry that it happened. Now go back to sleep, we're meeting some other Youtubers for dinner. " I said putting her down on the couch and kissing her head. 

Like I said she's my little princess and I will do anything to protect her. 

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