Random Chapter

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Okay so I wanted to write a chapter that had Avia fighting cancer when she was younger so here it is. I hope you guys enjoy it!

Colette's POV:

"Alright 1,2,3,4 kids." I said patting each of their heads as they walked/were carried out the door. My oldest daughter Avia then stopped in the doorway.

"Mommy, are we going to stop having to go to the hospital soon?" She asked innocently, she was 7 and didn't understand that her cancer was not something that went away quickly.

"No not quite yet sweetie, your going to have to be brave for a little while longer." I said rubbing her shoulder, I saw her face fall in sadness I knew she wanted to be done with all of this. "I know that this stinks sweetie, but your doing so good and your dad and I are so proud of you. How about after treatment today we go to Toys R Us and you can get a toy for being so brave. How does that sound?" I asked watching her face light up as she ran over to the car.

I sighed to myself as I climbed into the passenger seat of the car and Shay started driving. The toll of having a child with cancer was starting to weigh on me, between constant trips to the hospital and always worrying about her. But it was what we had to, it was our new reality. About 25 minutes later we pulled up to Los Angeles Children's Hospital, Shay and I had dropped off the other kids at Casey and Kayli's house.

"Alright we're here sweetie." I said lightly shaking Avia to wake her up.

She reached her arms up, indicating that she wanted to be carried. I complied, knowing that the cause of her cancer was a tumor on her right leg, making it slightly painful to walk and causing her to limp. Doctors said that she would most likely have to it amputated based on the amount of pain it was causing her. Shay and I checked her in and then followed a nurse up to Avia's room, we laid her down in the bed and turned on the TV for her as the doctor called us into the hallway.

"Hello Mr and Mrs.Butler, I just wanted to talk to you about Avia's condition. Clearly as of now we can't judge how she is responding to the treatment as it's only been a few weeks since she started treatment. But we have decided that we are going to amputate her leg. It is just causing her too much pain and it's pressing down a nerve that is too damaged to repair, I'm sorry. Would you like to tell her, or should I?" He asked putting his hand on my shoulder.

I felt a few tears slid down my face and wiped them as I told him that we would tell her. It was no offense to him, I'd just rather we be the ones to break the news. We thanked the doctor and headed back into the room, Avia was sitting there with an IV in her arm and watching TV.

"Hi baby can I turn off the T.V for a minute your dad and I need to talk to you for a second?" I asked sitting next to her on her bed.

"Okay!" she said handing me the remote, she had no idea what was to come.

"So your Mom and I just talked to the doctor and he said that he wants to take off your leg?" Shay said putting his hand down on her cancer infected leg.

"What? Why?" She asked tears starting to run down her face

"Because your leg is what's making you super sick and the doctors say that they think the best way to help you get better is to remove it." I explained stroking her hair lightly, brushing some of the hair that came off on my jeans not letting her see.

"Are they going to replace it?" she questioned, wiping her eyes.

"A few days after the surgery you're going to get fitted for a prosthetic leg, it's going to replace the one they take off." Shay explained

"So I'll be able to walk and do gymnastics?" she asked, her eyes lighting up at the thought of things still being normal.

"Yes, it just may take some getting used to though." I told her

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