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Avia's POV:

Today was Thanksgiving one of my favorite holiday's. It also marked the beginning of the Christmas season which I loved a lot. When I woke up this morning I was super sore because of the fight with Braille yesterday. I called for my parents because I couldn't really move on my own and would be wheelchair bound for a few days. My dad came into his and mom's room and helped me into my wheelchair before pushing me out into the family room. I hate being dependent on people. He then helped me onto the couch as my mom bought me breakfast, I guess being dependent on people does have it's perks. Like getting to eat on the couch. We turned on the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade and gathered around with our breakfast, it was nothing special but I cherished moments like these because I wasn't sure how many of them I would have. Brock was sitting next to me on the couch eating his waffles when out of nowhere he hugged me and said that he loved me. I hugged him back and said that I loved him too, I wondered what caused that. I mean I know he loves me and he calls me his best friend and I try to play with him everyday but this just seems out of the ordinary. Maybe it was because of yesterday when he saw me come home in my wheelchair a cast on my arm my ankle bandaged, various parts of my body swollen and bruised. He had been the first one to sign my cast very slowly and carefully writing his name, he did a pretty good job for a four year old. We watched the parade smiling and laughing like a normal family should, not that we weren't normal we just had unique circumstances. After the parade Mom and Dad told us to get dressed because we would have company over soon, dad helped me down to the basement leaving me to get dressed. Because of my port and how disgusting my chest was because of all the accesses and the fact that it was bandaged I decided against a dress. I looked around my closest finding nothing good to wear, I hobbled into Gavin's room with my one crutch asking if her had a flannel that I could borrow. He threw me one and I went back to my room to put it on, I threw it on with some black jeans and a pair of combat boots. I looked in my mirror smiling at my outfit, I then pulled on my beanie and called for my dad to take me upstairs. He came down and joked that we should just get me one of those seat things that moved up and down the stairs because of how often he had been carrying, I laughed saying those were for old people and that I was young and spry as I pretended to hurt my back. He placed me in my wheelchair which was waiting for me at the top of the steps now giving me a full range of motion. I wheeled over to where Brock and Daxton where playing legos on this little table that we had in the kitchen, I asked if I could play with them because Emmi and Gavin were still getting dressed.

"YEAH YOU BE SUPERMAN LEGO" Brock yelled excitedly handing me the small lego toy that he and Gavin made yesterday while I was in the hospital. I played with two of them until mom asked me if I wanted to help her make mashed potatoes for dinner, I ended my game with Brock and Daxton and wheeled myself toward the breakfast bar. I slowly transitioned myself from my wheelchair to the bar stool waiting for my mom to tell me what I had to do. I helped her peel the potatoes and then I got to mash them with the potato masher, although it was a little difficult to do with my cast on. Then I transitioned myself back into my wheelchair and went to play Fifa with Gavin because there wasn't much that I could do in a wheelchair and with a cast on and bandaged ankle. At around 2:30 family started to arrive, Carlie, Steve and Cooper got here first. None of them knew about the fight that had occurred between me and Braille.

"Hi Avia, how are. OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU ARE YOU OKAY!!!!!! she asked running over and hugging me.

"I'm fine, I'm fine" I said hugging her back.

"You are not fine. Tell her what happened" Gavin said pausing the game.

"Somebody did this to her!" Carlie said looking at Gavin and then hugging me again.

"You see it was recess yesterday when Braille asked me to follow her so she could apologize for being so mean to me these past few months and just didn't want to do it in front of anyone. So naturally I trusted her and I followed her and then once we were out of all the teachers' sight she started beating me up. Then I blacked out and next thing I know I'm in the hospital with my arm in cast, my ankle bandaged, my chest all wrapped up and there are beeping machines everywhere." I explained.

"Ohh sweetie I'm sorry. I'm sure the two of you will work out whatever is going on between you two." she said giving me another hug.

"I sure do hope so. I'm tired of living in fear" I said sighing. Then Carlie left to go and talk to Mom and Dad wish them a Happy Thanksgiving and stuff, me Gavin and Cooper decided to watch Maze Runners because there was three of us and we only had two Xbox remotes. As the movie progressed more family came leading to us having to pause the movie bunch of times so I could explain to people what happened to me. The last people to arrive were Casey, Kayli and there kids, the second Braille walked in the room I felt my heartbeat escalate and my breathing become shallow. I wheeled myself into Emmi and Brock's room to try and calm myself down because I was a mess, this had never happened to me before. Once I somewhat collected myself I wheeled myself back out to where the family was gathered, Braille saw me from across the room and began walking toward me with Aunt Kayli.

"Avia can we got into your parents bedroom with your mom and dad so we can talk to you about something" Kayli said bending down to my level.

"Yeah sure, I guess" I said wheeling myself toward my parents room, what on Earth is this going to be about I thought. My parents sat down on their bench thingy in front of their bed while I sat next to them leaving Braille and Kayli to sit on the ground.

"Now Braille tell Avia, Colette and Shay what we talked about when you got home from the hospital" Kayli said.

"I don't wanna" Braille said crossing her arms.

"Braille it's the right thing to do and you seriously hurt Avia, you need to apologize" Kayli said sighing.

"It's a free country I don't have to apologize to anybody" Braille snapped.

"For the love of God Braille, please". Kayli said growing annoyed.

'No I won't I feel no remorse I'm not apologizing" Braille said getting up and leaving the room. "See you later Brat" she said turning and looking at me before she left.

"I'm so sorry Kayli said rushing after Braille and leaving the three of us alone.

"Well that was awkward" I said breaking the silence.

" Yes, yes it was. Go and play with your cousins and siblings your father and I have to talk about something" Mom said sighing. I wheeled myself out my parents room and joined Emmi, Gavin, Gage and Cooper in watching Elf. The rest of the day was uneventful, we ate dinner and said what we were thankful for, quite a few people said that they were thankful for me. I said I was thankful for my parents and modern medicine for allowing me to be here. That night all of us kids except Braille fell asleep on the couch watch the Polar Express.   

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