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AN: I'm writing the fight and how it affects the family from everyone's POV. Just letting y'all know. Now on with the story. 

Avia's POV: 

 Today was the last day of school before Thanksgiving break and I was so excited, a five day weekend yes please. That morning I woke up like any other got dressed, brushed my teeth, ate breakfast and headed out to the bus stop. Recently I had been walking with Gavin and Gage because Emmi, Braille and I had grown apart, they didn't exactly like all the attention I received and made fun of me for being different so I started hanging out with the boys more and realized that they are just as much fun as Emmi and Braille. The walk down to the bus stop was usually a struggle for me because I was on crutches, today dad walked us to the bus stop and so he offered to carry me when he noticed that I was struggling to walk down the giant hill, something that occurs very often. I gladly accepted his offer and he picked me up and put me on his shoulders and walked me down to the bus stop, soon enough the bus came and I got on sitting with a friend from school. We talked about what our plans were going to be over the break she was spending time with family and doing things like black friday shopping and stuff like that. I wished I could do things like that granted I would spend Thanksgiving with my family, but I didn't have such luxuries of going out to public places. Chemotherapy weakens peoples immune systems which means when I'm more susceptible to disease, heck the only reason I'm still in school is because the teachers put percussions in place so that way I wouldn't get sick. I knew I would have to leave school for part of the year during flu season because it was just too risky to send me, so I'd be home schooled until it was deemed safe for me to go back to school. Soon enough the bus got off and the students trickled off heading to their respective classes, there was a small buzz of excitement in the air because the students knew today would be an easy day because of the upcoming break. That morning in class we did a little bit of regular work before starting our Thanksgiving celebration. Before lunch we were going to learn about the Indians and the Pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving, after lunch we were going to have a party and watch a movie. I soaked in everything the teacher said, wanting to have learned as much as I could have in case I die of this cancer. At noon precisely we were told to line up the door with our lunches and walk in our line to the cafeteria where the entire school ate lunch, we had a small enough school that everyone could comfortably in the cafeteria at the same time. I followed my class into the cafeteria and sat down at a table with some girls in my class that I had become friends over the past few months, we talked about our lives, TV shows and just stupid pointless things. I was taking my pills when I hear Braille ask one of the lunch aids why I had a soda when it wasn't allowed, I couldn't hear the lunch lady's response so I got out the piece of paper that had been given to me by the superintendent saying that I was aloud to drink soda because of the pills I had to take. I waited for the lunch aid to come over but she didn't my guess was she knew I was aloud to drink soda and that Braille was just trying to get me in trouble like always. I put the piece of paper back in my lunch box and turned my attention back to my friends, talking with them for the rest of the lunch period. We all stood in line anxiously waiting to be dismissed for recess, and just to my luck I ended up right in front of Braille, I was hoping that she wouldn't do anything to me. I was hoping to escape her wrath for just one day. Luckily she didn't say anything for once, no snide remarks or name calling. It was a strange but nice change. At recess I was playing on the swings because I was on crutches and still couldn't walk really well without support, which ruled out pretty much all activities but swinging. I was swinging by myself thinking about Christmas and what I wanted to get everybody, I wanted everyone to have something good to remember me by just in case I didn't make it. My thoughts were interrupted when Emmi and Braille walked over asking me to follow them over to the side of the school so that way they could apologize for being so mean to me these past few months. I gladly agreed putting my foot down to slow myself so that way I could get off the swing, I shakily stood up and tried to walk over to my crutches but ultimately failed as I tripped over my own feet. I felt two small hands grab my arms and pull me back up, I turned around and saw Emmi looking at me with a warm smile on her face. She helped me over to the swing pole which was keeping my crutches up, I leaned on the pole to keep myself standing as I attached them to my wrists before following Emmi and Braille. Once we reached the side of the school building I began talking about how happy I was that we had come full swing since July and that I was happy that we were going to be a family again. That's when Braille kicked me in the ankle causing me to fall down, my arm unfortunately broke fall and now it hurt really bad. I clutched my arm in pain as Braille continued to kick and punch me, Emmi who was there ran off somewhere my hope was that she was going to get someone to help me. The last thing I remember before blacking out and somewhat waking up in the nurses was Emmi running over and yelling Avia with Gavin and Braille kicking me in the back of the head. When I woke up in the nurse's office I saw my parents standing there talking to Gavin and Emmi about what happened or at least that's what I assumed. My whole body hurt, but I was particularly concerned about the pain in my chest near where my port was. I gathered up enough strength to choke out that I had a pain in my chest, my parents looked at each other and then at Emmi. My guess was that Emmi had seen part of the fight and they were asking her if I had gotten kicked or hit in the chest. A few minutes later the ambulance arrived at the school and the EMT workers put me on the gurney and loaded me up into the ambulance as my brother and mom followed. My guess was that my dad had to stay back and talk to the school about the fight, on the way to the hospital the EMTs asked me what hurt and if I remembered anything. I told them I had a pounding headache, pain in my chest and my arm and ankle hurt, they mobilized me arm and ankle so that way I wouldn't hurt them anymore and there was nothing they could do about my head and chest other than give me pain medication which they were already doing through an IV in my arm. My mom was sitting closest to me holding my hand in hers, I gave it squeeze to let her know that I was okay and that everything would be okay. Gavin was sitting next to her crying quietly whispering that this was all his fault, I wished I could comfort him but I couldn't because I had oxygen mask over my face. I had an oxygen mask on because I had blacked out before and they were afraid of me blacking out again and not getting enough oxygen. When we arrived at the hospital I was whisked away from my mom and brought into an operating room, the OR doctor exchanged the oxygen mask over my face for a gas mask with two oxygen tubes up my nose. The last thing I remember before falling asleep was the doctor covering me in a warm blanket and telling the other doctors and nurses they needed to work quickly because they didn't know how damaged my port was. A few hours later I woke up in a hospital room surrounded by my family, when my mom and dad saw that I had woken up they told me what was wrong with me and I would be able to leave later today. I looked down and saw that my ankle was wrapped and being propped up and then looked at my right arm was in a blue cast, I looked to my left and saw IV lines leading from my port to the IV pole with what I assumed was pain medication and in my left arm there was an IV which lead to a bag filled with me. Emmi who had been sitting next to me silently sucking her thumb quietly squeaked out a hi, the fact that she was sucking her thumb and that she was quiet or two tell tale signs for me that something was wrong with her. I grabbed her and held it in mine stroking it with my thumb and asked her what was wrong, she looked up at me with tears in her eyes and said that this was all her fault. I thought for a moment before asking her if she had hit me, she sniffled and said no. Upon hearing that I declared that this was not her fault, I pulled her into a hug and let her cry into my chest. Ohh how I had missed her hugs these past few months when we weren't on good terms. Once she calmed down she rested her head on my shoulder and we started watching TV. My parents and Uncle Casey were talking about Braille and what to do with her when Braille stepped in from the hall and asked way we were saying this was all her fault and that it wasn't her fault I had cancer. Well it is her fault that I'm in the hospital I thought to myself, I knew that there was a bigger picture behind this, she wasn't talking about this particular instance she was talking about every time she had gotten in trouble for being mean to me. "You really don't get it" I said pushing myself up so that I had a better view of her and she had a better view of me. "Get what" she sassed back, my blood was know boiling and she knew it. "I have cancer" I spat back continuing to grow annoyed at her ignorance that the reason she was getting in trouble was because she kept being mean to a sick kid. "Not my problem" she told me looking down at her fingernails. If subtlety wasn't going to this point across that she really was the problem and not me then maybe bluntness would work. "I'M SICK" I yelled beginning to cry in frustration. Once again she told me that it wasn't her problem. I was pissed now and didn't care about anything anymore so I just went off on her. "I'M SICK, I HAVE CANCER, I COULD DIE ANY DAY BECAUSEI DON'T KNOW HOW LONG MY BODY CAN HOLD ON FOR" I yelled trying to get my point across that one I didn't want any of this to have happened to me and that two she should realize that this wasn't like a cold that would go away in a few days, this was a deadly disease that I could die from and all the family wanted was for all of us to enjoy our time together and that I was getting a lot of attention because no one knows when my final day could be and they all wanted to spend time with me cause they missed me not because I was the favorite. She then said something that really hurt me, she said "Ohh well, to bad so sad. You're better off dead". I cried harder now, death was something that I feared tremendously and having somebody say that to me really hurt me. Now it was Emmi's turn to comfort me , she wrapped me in a hug and tried to console me as I sobbed louder. My parents and Gavin quickly joined Emmi's efforts and Uncle Casey took Braille away leaving us alone. After I calmed down I ended up falling asleep and didn't wake up until my parents called me for dinner, well they didn't really call my dad came in to get me because my wheelchair wasn't in my parents room which is where I was and I couldn't really use my crutches because my arm was in a cast. The rest of the night was uneventful we had spaghetti for dinner, my all time favorite. After that we watched Back To The Future and had ice cream.

The Biggest Fight of Our Lives {Our Battle Series- Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now