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Shay's POV:

Tonight is Christmas Eve and would mark the beginning of the Shaytards Christmas Special 2014, unfortunately I wouldn't be spending it with the family. Avia's oncology team wanted to give her a few chemotherapy treatments back to back so that way she wouldn't have to come back to rest of her time off. And unfortunately it meant receiving the treatment until Christmas morning, Avia had been admitted yesterday around and we were given an actual hospital room with like a bed for me and a bigger TV and stuff because we would be staying overnight. Avia wasn't exactly thrilled to be spending Christmas Eve in the hospital, but knew it had to be done. We had spent most of our time thus far watching Christmas movies and talking with family. I could that everyone's exciting plans were making her depressed so I decided to take her for a spin around the ward. We walked around realizing that there weren't a lot of people here, they all got lucky I thought. I felt the envy and jealousy grow inside me knowing that all these people were home celebrating with their families while Avia and I were stuck here. I could tell it was upsetting Avia too, all she wanted was to go home and play with her siblings and cousins. We returned back to the room to watch more Christmas movies and have Avia get hooked up to another round of chemo. These rounds of chemo had been taking a toll on Avia, her body was weak and she was exhausted. The nurse came in with another bag of chemo drugs and another methotrexate shot. She took one bag off the IV pole and put the new one on exchanging the lines. She then told Avia that she was going to do the methotrexate shot, Avia rolled over and held my hand. She had dark circles under her eyes and looked absolutely exhausted. She cried in pain as the drug corsed into her spinal cord, just because she had been doing this for months didn't mean it got any easier. As soon as she was all hooked up with the next dose she drifted off to sleep, I called Colette trying to come up with ways to make Avia happier. I ask her if maybe she can bring the kids because I think her having some social interactions with somebody other than me and the nurses will make her happy. Colette agrees and says she'll bring the kids up after lunch. I hang up the phone and Avia woke up complaining that her stomach hurts. I go and grab the bucket and place it in front of her, she hangs her head over and begins throwing up. I sit beside her in her bed holding the bucket and rubbing her back, trying to make her feel better. As soon as it began it ended and she went on to the laptop and began watching Youtube videos to help pass the time, nurses came and went checking on Avia and her vitals making sure everything was going well. The only time Avia actually paid attention to the nurses was in they brought in her lunch which also happened to be the time when Colette showed up with the kids. The nurse placed Avia's lunch of chicken fingers and a milkshake down before saying hi to Colette and leaving. All the kids now wanted a milkshake because Avia had one, just because Avia was sick and the knew she got extra perks doesn't mean that they're not gonna still be kids and try to get ice cream and sweets any chance they could. Colette said they couldn't because they would be having plenty of sweets tonight when the family came over. Hearing about the evening's plans made Avia sad so we quickly changed the subjects trying to keep the mood light. We asked the kids if they were excited for Christmas and what they were really hoping to get. The kids turned on the TV and began watching the Grinch Who Stole Christmas with Jim Carrey. We laughed and chatted until Colette had to bring the kids home to get ready for the family that was coming over. They said their goodbyes and Colette and they kids left the confines of the hospital, ohh how I wish Avia and I could go with them. But we couldn't. The rest of the day was mundane, Avia had been receiving chemo and been getting sick, sleeping, and watching movies. That night we video chatted the family so that we could be apart of the Gospel story that we read every year and have the kids act. We were in the middle of the chat when Avia's doctor called me out into the hall. He asked me if I was okay with having Avia being sent home tonight via ambulance so that way she could be home for Christmas I gladly agreed rushing inside to tell the family the news. I saw that she had fallen asleep and gently went over and shook her awake.

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