My Fault

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Gavin's POV:

Today was the day right before we were released for Thanksgiving Break and I was so excited 5 days of family, fun and best of all no school and this year we were in Idaho which means that we won't have to leave earlier to travel back to California. The morning started out as normal, Avia and I woke up first got ready and went upstairs for breakfast while Emmi lagged behind. Avia and I played a few rounds of fifa on Xbox while we waited for Emmi to finish getting ready and dad to wake up, dad always walked us down to the bus stop in the morning because it was still dark out when we woke up. All of us grabbed our stuff and meet up with Braille and Gage while dad followed behind with Avia on his shoulders, Avia's legs were still healing from the surgery a few months ago. So sometimes she's in pain and she still isn't fully able to walk on her on yet, which means she still using her crutches. When we got to the bus stop me Gage and Avia talked about Christmas and what we wanted and stuff while Emmi and Braille hung out talking about something similar or girly. The bus came and I got on behind Avia like always because I was afraid of her falling, it was my job as her big brother to keep her safe. I saw her sit down with her friend Annie and I went down and sat down in the back of the bus with my friends always keeping a watchful eye on Avia making sure that nothing was out of sorts. That morning school was fairly boring we learned how to add and subtract mixed numbers and started talking about the first thanksgiving before lunch so that way we could have our party when we came back. Today I had decided to order lunch because we didn't really have anything good at home other than peanut butter and jelly which I was getting kind of tired of. I got macaroni and cheese and a chocolate milk for lunch before sitting back down at my table with my friends, we talked about soccer, pokemon, tech decks you know that type of stuff. After lunch we went back to our classrooms to go and grab our jackets so that way we could go outside for recess. Our school is pretty small so we all had lunch and recess at the same time, the fifth graders, me, were released first. On the way out of the cafeteria I passed Avia, I gave her thumbs up to see how she was doing. If she gave me a thumbs up that meant she was doing good and if she gave me a thumbs down that meant something either happened or she didn't feel good and would probably go home. Luckily today she gave me a thumbs up, little did we know she wouldn't stay that thumb's up. At recess me and some friends were playing some soccer on the field when Emmi came running over crying, she was breathing heavily and talking quickly and I couldn't understand what she was saying. I asked her to slow down so that way I could understand what she was saying. She slowed down saying that her and Braille had this plan to beat Avia up, but Emmi chickened out and came to get me when Braille started beating Avia up. I was annoyed at Emmi at first then happy that she realized that hurting Avia was wrong and that she came to me for help. She told me to follow her to where Avia was, in the distance I could see Braille and Avia who was on the ground. It didn't look like she was moving at all, I picked up my pace fear coursing through my veins. When we got there I pulled Braille away from Avia while Emmi placed Avia's head in her lap crying and whispering she was sorry. I yelled at Braille for a minute or two before going over to Avia and making sure she was okay. Avia was most definitely not okay, she had a black eye starting to form there was blood everywhere, she was unconscious, and her ankle was swelling. I picked her up gently yelled at Braille and brought Avia inside. I brought her into the nurse's office and placed her down onto one of the beds before looking around of the nurse. I quickly found one and had Emmi explain what happened before I got there, after that she talked to the principal and I sat with Avia while the nurse called my parents. The nurse propped Avia's ankle up on some crummy pillows the office had lying around and slung her arm over chest before she placed pack on Avia's head. I held her hand in mine just sitting there and looking at her, I had told Avia that I would always protect her and I didn't I failed her she got hurt and it was all my fault cause I didn't pay attention to her. Emmi came back in after talking with the principal and had a panic attack, I think that's what the nurse called it at least. I walked over to where Emmi was sitting with a towel draped over her neck and made sure she was okay. Much like me she blamed herself for the fight even like me she never hurt Avia and it wasn't either of our faults yet we couldn't stop from blaming ourselves. My parents arrived to the school quickly asking the nurse what happened and what we should be doing, my dad me to go and get mine, Emmi and Avia's stuff because we were all leaving. I went to Emmi's classroom first picked up her backpack and left, they were still at recess, next I went to Avia's class they had just gotten back from recess and were settling back. I told her teacher what happened grabbed her stuff and left, not before shooting Braille an evil glance. I then headed down to my own telling my teacher that we had a family emergency and that I had to leave, not getting into too many details. I returned back to the nurses' with all of our stuff before being told to put it all down and get in the ambulance with my mom and Avia, while my dad and Emmi talked with the principal about what happened. I ran out and climbed in the back sitting next to mom, who was mess. I could tell that she was trying to stay strong for Avia who had woken up and looked absolutely petrified, she had an oxygen mask over face and her eyes were darting around trying to figure out what was going on while the paramedics started trying to fix her. They stabilized her ankle, and arm, they had also started IV medication in her good arm. That's weird they always used her port for this stuff, I later found out that Braille kicked it and had damaged it. I watched tears of pain roll down Avia's face as I felt tears roll down my own, I couldn't stand seeing her in pain and neither could my mom as she was crying as well. When we got to the hospital the paramedics rushed Avia back leaving my mom and I in the waiting room, we took some uncomfortable hospital chairs close to where the doctors came out and waited. My mom was busy calling family and checking in with dad and Emmi leaving me alone in my thoughts, it didn't take much for me to start crying again. But I wiped my tears away knowing I had to be strong for my family. Around 20 minutes later my dad arrived with Emmi, the rushed in frantically looking around for my mom and I looked up from my book and waved them over to where we were sitting. Emmi and dad hugged mom and I before sitting down next to us, well actually Emmi sat on mom's lap. We decided to pray because we always did that in tough times, we knew Avia was strong and would get through this but putting in a word with the big man couldn't really hurt. Once we finished praying we went back to waiting, we didn't talk we just all sat there. Without Avia our family was lifeless and I didn't like it at all and started to wonder if Avia ever died how could any of us get through without her. I decided to immerse myself in one of my books because the thought of ever losing Avia was too much to bare. I snapped my head up when the doctor called out for our family, we all quickly got up and rushed toward the doctor. He told us the status of Avia and had us follow us back to her room, this was not the first time I had walked to see my sister asleep hooked up to different machines but it will never get easier. Tears welled in my eyes the second I walked in she just looked like she was in so much pain, her black eye had fully formed, her arm was in a cast, her ankle wrapped up and propped up, her chest was all bandaged in ace bandages and she had IV medication going from her port to an IV pole along with an IV in arm that lead to a pouch of blood. I sat down next to my mom in a chair, I put my head in my hands and said that this was all my fault. My mom must have heard because she told me that it wasn't my fault, we stood up and hugged. I couldn't hold it anymore and I burst out crying into my mom's chest like a baby. I tried to choke back my tears because I knew I needed to stay strong but I couldn't do it any more staying strong for months on end without crying had taken it's toll and know I had let out all of my pain I had held in for months poor out. Once I calmed down I sat back down in my chair and began to read again to try and pass the time. It was a painstaking hour before Avia finally woke up. Her first thought was to look for my parents and see what was wrong, both of them rushed to her side making sure she was okay. She then turned to Emmi who was sitting next to her, the two of the immersed themselves in their own little world which somehow lead to Avia comforting Emmi. Once they finished hugging it out Braille came in from outside because Uncle Casey had stopped by to see how Avia was doing. The two of them ended up getting into a fight, which ended with Braille saying that she wished that Avia was dead. I was so pissed at Braille, my dad how to physically restrain me from going into the hall and beating her up. We quickly turned our attention from Braille to Avia trying to comfort her because no one should ever be told that they should die not matter how much you don't like them. A few hours later Avia was discharged and we were finally able to go home. When we got home my dad put Avia in his and mom's room so she could rest while they continued to get ready for Thanksgiving, which we were hosting. I put my stuff downstairs and went into my parent's room to check on Avia.

"Hi, how are you feeling" I said shyly closing the door and sitting next to her in bed.

"A little sore and I have a headache because of my concussion but nothing I can't handle" she said said sitting up.

"This is all my fault" I said putting my head in my hands again.

"How is it your fault, you didn't do anything to me. In fact you saved me. God you and Emmi have the same probably both of you blame yourselves for something Braille did to me" she said flailing her good arm, leave it Avia flail after getting beat up and having major surgery.

"I know, but I told you I would always protect you and I didn't I broke my promise" I said tears threatening to spill.

"Gavin, this is not your fault and I know you could have protected me if you were there and I knew you wanted to beat the fluff out of Braille when we got into that fight at the hospital. Look what's done is done and there is nothing you can do to change it now please don't beat yourself up over it" she said looking right into my eyes.

For the second time today I cried tears rapidly spilling from both eyes, I can't believe how blessed we are to have Avia in our lives. Avia wrapped me in a hug and thanked me for saving her.

"It was so scary Gavin" she said hugging me tighter, her tears beginning to stain my shirt. 

"What was so scary" I asked confused rubbing her back. 

"Waking up in the nurse and then the ambulance and not really knowing what was wrong and it was all so painful" she said crying harder 

"Aww it's okay, it's okay. It's all over know" I said trying to calm her down. 

She hugged and cried for a few minutes more and then began calming down. Once she had calmed down she rested her head on my shoulder, her body relaxing. Before she fell asleep she looked at me with her big brown eyes that showed exhaustion and pain rather than their usual happiness and sparkle and said

" I love you Gav"

"I love you to Av" I said pulling the blanket over her and putting my arm around her pulling her closer to me. 

I kissed her head and sat with her while she slept, I watched TV grateful that Avia was okay and sitting there with me.

AN: Hey sorry it's been a while, school happened. I would now like to take the time in this author's note to say Rest in Peace to Caleb from Bratayley. I didn't really watch them that much but when I did I was always drawn to Caleb maybe cause he's my sister's age, maybe it's because we shared a love of baseball or because I knew what it was like for him to sit through hours of gymnastics meets. It's so sad that he is no longer with us and it is a great loss to the Youtube community. I would recommend keeping the family in their prayers if your religious and if your not just send them good vibes. Also don't think of it as goodbye to Caleb think of it as a see you later because if you believe in heaven then we're all going to the same place and I'm sure you'll see him in heaven probably playing baseball and eating waffles.  

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