Physical Therapy

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Avia's POV: 

It's been about a month since my surgery and I was recovering well, yes my legs still hurt sometimes and being in a wheelchair is a pain in the neck. But I'm starting physical therapy today which means that I am one step closer to being able to walk again and more importantly do gymnastics, I was getting to miss school because it was my first session and they wanted to asses me and get to know me so they knew what they were dealing with. I woke up at around 9 in the morning and called for my parents, I'm not really allowed to move on my own until the doctor or physical therapist  says I can. My dad came in and helped off the air mattress I was sleeping and into my wheelchair, I then wheeled into the kitchen to see what mom was making for breakfast. I saw that she was making some waffles for me and Brock who were the only ones home, Brock was awake too and wanted to play with me. One of his favorite things to was push me around in my wheelchair,  I'm not exactly sure why but I let him do it anyway. He came running over and asked if he could push me around, I laughed and told him yes as I braced my self for an interesting ride. He was running around and pushing me around the living room while mom was making sure he didn't kill me or himself and dad was vlogging it because he knew it would be great footage, I was laughing and praying to God that Brock wasn't going to kill me. But as soon as it started it ended because he got tired, I mean its a lot to push around so I guess that means he's pretty strong. Mom finished breakfast at around 9:30, dad helped me up on to a breakfast stool and mom placed some waffles and pills in front of me with a glass of chocolate milk. We ate up knowing that we had to be at the hospital by 11 for my first PT session, once I finished dad took me downstairs so that was I could get dressed. I was really hoping that today the physical therapist would let me at least crawl around the house so that way I wasn't so dependent on my parents , it was a stretch but a person's got to have hope right. I called dad when I was done and he put me in my wheelchair so that way I could head out to the car so that way we could go to the hospital. When we got to the hospital I didn't have to get checked in because I was only going to PT which didn't require admittance, the nurse told us that they were expecting us and that we know the pediatric floor well enough to find the office. With that we went to the 5th floor to look for the center, the nurse was right we knew the floor well enough and found it almost instantly. I followed my parents into the center as they checked with the receptionist before having us go back to meet with the doctor.  Her name was doctor Cameron and she had been working with kids like me for a long time, we sat at this really big table as she talked to my parents about what had happened and how I was. I felt myself beginning to zone out, this was a side effect of the treatment. Stay focused I told myself but ultimately I failed zoning out only to be snapped backed to reality when the doctor said she wanted to try me on crutches. Really I said getting excited, yup doctor Cameron said, she brought me back to this room that had these different machines and stuff to help kids like me out. She brought out a pair of crutches and helped sized them too me for before explaining to me how the work, the crutches had wrist braces and a bar for me to hold and to and that would fully support my weight and that all I would have to do was be able to use my legs. I attached them to my wrists and shakily stood up out of my wheelchair, mom moved it from behind me so that way I wouldn't trip over it. Walking isn't something you forget but I had to concentrate on it because I hadn't walked in a month, mom was vlogging and dad was standing a few feet away from me. I would be allowed to use these regularly if I could make it to dad with out falling, my grip tightened as the crutches as I shakily walked into my fathers arms. Good job Avia he said picking me up and hugging me, I'm so proud of you. I looked back to see mom crying with camera turned at us. For the next half hour we did some stretches to help strengthen my muscles so that way I'll be able to walk with out the crutches soon. When we left mom and dad took us to Chick-fil-a for lunch, it was so satisfying to be able to walk through the doors and be in my wheelchair. Granted there would be times where I would be in my wheelchair but most times I would be walking either on my own or with my crutches. After lunch we went home so that I could do the school work I was missing from today. They day flew by quickly with my new found independence, that night we went out to Winger's to celebrate me walking. That night I slept in my bed for the first time in a month. 

AN: Sorry its a short chapter guys. Its because I am writing another book inspired by 1DShaytards book, Fosters. So I am going to be updating that tonight too, and don't worry I will still update this book too.      

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