Let's Be Heroes!

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Rumi: So your the new wielder of this power?....Get the fuck out of here.

Izuku: I'm serious. He told me I'm worthy and gave me the power. Actually...I never asked how to bring out the power. Um....

Rumi: Dude it's not cool to lie.

Izuku: I'm serious. I had to eat his hair.

Rumi: Ew! Gross, what the fuck?!

Izuku: I-I don't exactly know how to bring it out but...how about we spar? I can maybe bring out this power by fighting.

Rumi: ...fuck it. Throw them up young buck!

Shoto: Kick him in the balls!

They looked from the distance and saw Shoto sitting on a chair, recording and eating popcorn with Keigo next to him.

Keigo: Pull her ears!


Izuku smiled as he focused and felt his power increase. He still wasn't able to fully transform again but he was working with something different.

(The next day)

Aizawa: I've studied everyone's work on the training yesterday and good work on working efficiently. Bakugo, you got potential so don't sulk like a child over a loss.

Bakugo: Whatever.

Aizawa: Now...you all will need to vote for a Class Representative.

Everyone started to scream out for them to vote for them. But eventually Iida halted it.

Iida: The Class Representative is someone who will lead and has the capability of gaining the trust of others. We should hold a vote for who should represent.

Sato: But wouldn't everyone just vote for themselves?

Iida: That may be so but whoever gets the most votes will the right choice.

Aizawa: Just hurry up before my nap's over.

(10 minutes later)

Everyone saw the votes and Izuku had 5 votes.

Izuku: What the?

Bakugo: Who the hell voted for him?!

Sero: Did you think anyone was gonna vote for you?

Aizawa: Alright, Midoriya is the Class Rep and Yaoyorozu is Vice Rep.

Izuku: Thank you everyone. I'll do my best.

Momo: We have faith in you.

She smiled at him as he nodded as Rumi looked at them and thumped her foot.

Keigo: Oooh~ Someone's jealo-

Rumi: Finish that sentence and I'll rip out your wings and make them into a coat.

Keigo: ...noted.

Eventually during lunch, the four sat down together and ate.

Momo: Excuse me Midoriya? Would you mind if I joined you four? I would like to speak about our roles at Representatives.

Izuku: Of course. The more the merrier.

Rumi looked at them and rolled her eyes.

Izuku: Yo Rumi, mind if I-

Rumi: No.

Izuku: Jesus what's up with you?

Rumi: I know your gonna ask to get one of my carrot cakes so I'll say it again. No.

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