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At Night...

In the cosy living room, Yn sat chatting with her mother-in-law, sharing stories and sipping tea. Laughter filled the air as they bonded over shared experiences. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, breaking the peaceful evening with its shrill chime.

Excitement bubbled within Yn as she rose from her seat and hurried to the door. With a smile that lit up her face, she swung the door open to reveal Jungkook standing there, a dazzling bouquet in his hand.

"Beautiful flowers for my beautiful wife," Jungkook said, his eyes sparkling with adoration as he presented the bouquet to Yn. She blushed, feeling a rush of warmth in her heart at his sweet gesture.

As she welcomed Jungkook inside, he entered with a charming smile, his presence filling the room with a sense of joy. YN excused herself to fetch some refreshments for their unexpected guest, eager to make him feel at home.

Jungkook watched her go with a fond smile, appreciating her thoughtfulness. "Let's go to Paris for our honeymoon," he suddenly declared, his eyes gleaming with excitement. Yn's face lit up with joy as she turned back to him, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"Paris? That would be amazing," she replied, her voice filled with happiness and a hint of disbelief at the spontaneity of his suggestion. Jungkook nodded enthusiastically, his excitement matching hers.

As they sat together, sharing a meal and discussing their impromptu honeymoon plans, the room buzzed with the energy of two people deeply in love. YN couldn't believe her luck to have Jungkook as her partner, his presence in her life brought unhappiness.

The evening passed in a blur of laughter, shared dreams, and excitement for the adventures that lay ahead. Yn's mother-in-law watched them with a smile, her heart full at the sight of her loved ones so happy together.

As the night grew late, Yn and Jungkook finalized their plans for their Parisian getaway, their hearts brimming with anticipation for the romantic journey that awaited them. With a final toast to their love and happiness, they bid farewell to Yn's mother-in-law, their minds already wandering to the magic of Paris and the memories they would create there.

And so, with the promise of a dreamy honeymoon in the City of Love, Yn and Jungkook set off on a journey filled with laughter, love, and the shared joy of building a life together.

On the Other Side.....

In Somi Mansion...

Somi sat perched on a bar stool, her fingers absently swirling the red wine in her glass, a furrow of frustration marring her brow. The empty bar around her echoed with the quiet sounds of the night, the soft clink of glasses and the distant hum of the city outside.

"Honeymoon," the word repeated like a mocking echo in Somi's mind, each iteration fueling the simmering anger within her. She took a sharp sip of her wine, the bitterness a sharp contrast to the turmoil churning in her chest.

At that moment, the door to the bar swung open with a creak, and in walked a familiar figure—her friend Lisa, concerned etched on her face as she approached Somi.

"So, are you okay?" Lisa asked, her voice filled with genuine worry as she took a seat beside her friend.

Somi let out a frustrated sigh, setting her wine glass down with a sharp clink. "I can't stop thinking about it, Lisa. Honeymoon. It's all he talks about as if that's all that matters," she exclaimed, her words laced with bitterness.

Lisa reached out a comforting hand, her touch gentle against Somi's tense shoulder. "Have you talked to him about how you feel?" she inquired, concern evident in her eyes.


Shattered Deception.  (jungkook and Yoongi ff) 21+Where stories live. Discover now